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I have this class entitled Cube and it extends JButton, but being new to programming, especially OOP, when I declare a Cube, how would I go about displaying a JButton, with the text/caption and all? Should I put anything special in the constructor?


In the object class:


public class Cube extends JButton






In the client:

Cube cube1 = new Cube();


I have used JButton's alot but have never extended them, and then tried to declare one.


Greatly Appreciated,



Assuming you haven't altered any of the methods inherited from JButton, to add text, you would invoke


cube1.setText("Text on the button");


and to display the Cube in a JPanel p1, you would call





For all intents and purposes, you should be able to treat any instances of Cube as an instance of JButton, provided you don't alter any of the methods inhereted from JButton. The documentation for JButton is located here:




How would I create an array of objects?


I have an object 'Cube'.


Current code which doesn't work:


Cube[] square = new Cube()[];


Obviously, the last thing there does work, but how would I do it?




You can use


Cube[] = new Cube[x]; where x is an integer that specifies the number of elements (either a variable, or a literal.. I think that's the correct term),


or specify the elements, eg.


Cube myCube = new Cube();

Cube otherCube = new Cube();

Cube cubes[] = {myCube, otherCube};

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