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6 Sun coardinate system

Guest DoubleHelix

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Guest DoubleHelix

Ok I know the picture is a little hard to make out but i havent had time to make a 3D representation with spheres and such. Anyways you ever wonder how ships in movies stay upright all the time and dont come to another ship upside down? you need a 6 point sun grid to create a zero point axis in space to have a north and south, the suns are used as X X Y Y Z Z you need two of each because space is a 3 dimensional enviroment with no real up and down or left or right. So by graphing 6 suns we can create a North and South and Left and Right In space wich must be universally agreed up on with other worlds and cultures. The suns are chosen because they dont really move unlike planets and each sun is graphed in a diferent galaxie.


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Guest DoubleHelix

yes i know they move but they dont have a constent rate of movement like a planet that is why it is best to plot a graph off them. Im not saying that are stationary nothing is.

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