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Have there been any breakthroughs on discovering how to negate or control gravity yet? We know that gravity are waves that are sent out from a mass. The greater the mass the greater the pull of gravity. You would have to be able to control the strength of those waves somehow to move freely above the mass. If UFO's do exist then they have the ability to use and control it. I am not a scientist which is why I asked this question.


Well...I am pretty certain that as of yet we have found no viable method to tweak gravitational fields emitted from objects of mass. And we certainly cannot in any way alleviate the force of Earth's gravitational pull.


The last I heard on the subject, some mathematician in Belgium...Maybe his name was Fuza, or something like that?...Published a paper claiming a hypothesis for weakening gravitational force. Albeit, very very slightly. On orders of approximately one to two percent at best.


His device for doing do was composed of large and powerful electromagnets stacked stop each other. Similar to the setup that's used in some of those large atom smashers or super colliders like the LHC in CERN. The resulting magnetic field was in some way supposed to interfere and thus lessen a bit the gravity waves emitted from the earth. I think I remember reading an analogy of this that compared the action here to that of a wake of water from one boat colliding with that of another, and thus eradicating it's original strength and shape. It's form. Something like that. Sorry I can't be more technical, but I'm nobody's physicist.


Why do you think ET visitors....I assume that is what you really meant by UFOs...Would have to have mastered gravity to visit us? Just curious. I'm assuming it's because of the fact distances. Like, over four light years to the nearest star system. But personally I feel that gravity mastery is not so much of a requirement for those guys as would be the need for propulsion technology that we cannot come close to yet. Since our current bestest fastest technology wouldn't get us to the Proxima Centauri binary stars system for several thousand years.


Have there been any breakthroughs on discovering how to negate or control gravity yet? We know that gravity are waves that are sent out from a mass.

No we don't. While there are gravitational waves, as shown by their recent detection, they are not what are responsible for the attraction of masses. Gravitational waves have a similar relationship to gravitational attraction as light waves have to the attraction between two electric charges.


Have there been any breakthroughs on discovering how to negate or control gravity yet? We know that gravity are waves that are sent out from a mass. The greater the mass the greater the pull of gravity. You would have to be able to control the strength of those waves somehow to move freely above the mass. If UFO's do exist then they have the ability to use and control it. I am not a scientist which is why I asked this question.


We have theories, but no actual evidence. And even the theories are hard to believe.


If UFO's do exist then they have the ability to use and control it.


This is not a reasonable sentence, unless you're expanding the definitions of "use and control it" to the point of meaninglessness. A pole vaulter could be said to "use and control" gravity under such a definition.

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