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well, ones you can easily purify/isolate/find/buy OTC in pure form:

H, He, Li, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Al, P, S, Cl, Ar, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, Br, Ag, I, Pt, Au, Hg, Pb, and from what i've heard, Rh is very rare, but can be found in old jewelry.


other elements can be purchased online


reasonably pure copper from electrical wire. Carbon from pencils. silicon from pc chips. lI FROM BAttery's. Theres more.


ya, i guess they make some of those chips out of 99.999% silicon. To bad it is processed though, and doesnt realy look like elemental silicon. Oh, tungsten from lightbulb filiments. To bad its such a small amount, so forget it. hydrogen from electroysis of water. Also O2 from same method. sulfur form the pharmacy. just go here and look at his element colection for ideas. Theodoregray.com


In teh smoke detecors. i also believe Na can be obatined in the house, although purifying and containing it pose a very minute problem


id imagine, to stay strong at high temperatures it must be pretty pure. plus, any contaminants might react at such temperatures and cause the filament to break.

You can find neodymium-iron-boron magents in good speakers. Theres so many but their not pure.


lets see, what can you find inside a television. Isnt there a tungsten button or something inside cathode ray tubes, which are in televisions.

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