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Electrostatics in a 'wind tunnel'


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I was discussing with a friend about mod computers and the idea of effectively making a wind tunnel using the case of the computer and multiple fans, however would the significantly increased air flow cause a problem with electrostatics and the statics-sensitive components inside the computer???


(Or would a metal case sort all the problems?)

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Not literally a wind tunnel.... just a few input fans up front, input around the sides, possibly up top too and loads of outputs at the back.... basically a very efficient heat removal system, the only down side I could think of (other than cost) would be the possibility of moving air creating an electrostatic charge. Think of this as more of a thought experiment!!!


But pressumably metal casing would signficantly reduce the problem? But then over time the metal may need to be earthed (if it were subject to a lot of electrostatic charge, or more likely a little amount but for long periods of time).

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I'll give some input from having been a computer overclocker at one point in time.. basically I can say that the computer hardware you have there is relatively rugged, physically atleast. It can resist considerable shock. In terms of electrostatics, I've actually pulled out the soundcard while having the computer running, causing a corona discharge and yet this only blew the PSU (power supply unit). The motherboard still functioned perfectly fine. But most importantly is that unless your planning to put your computer motherboard bare into a airplane test windtunnel, I doubt there will be sufficient electrostatic build up to really damage the electronics. Most of them are not magnetically sensitive (ROM memory is burnt in, RAM memory is flushed/refreshed constantly) so any buildup wouldn't be significant enough in my opinion. Even tasing a magnet around an off computer (not your harddisk though) will generally cause no harm.


Lastly, what I WOULD be worried about in the case that you want to produce serious windflow is the dust build up. They will jam fans, reduce the dissipating capability of heatsinks and in rare cases possibly cause a short circuit on your motherboard, which can be very bad.

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I don't want an industrial size wind tunnel!!!! Just like over time the number of fans build up and so in a theoretical situation I was wondering...


Metal cases will remove any electrostatic charges right?


But if it wasn't earthed then wouldn't charge build up on the metal overtime too?

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