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Help at Universe Expansionism

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Well, I need help in a work for school.. I need to explain the expanding of the universe with the big bang using quantic physics.. By some way using Hubble's Theory and what so ever.. Can anybody give me some help? :S


Thanks in Advance..

Ursus Maritimus.

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I think there are three reasons nobody has replied to your request:

1) Your question is very general.

2) The questions contains ambiguities and mistakes. (Quantum, not quantic. Consideration of the Big Bang at school project level would tend to focus on macroscopic events, not quantum level events.)

3) A simple use of google should provide the answers you seek.


Here is a good starting point:



But a google for "big bang" hubble introduction basicturned up over 50,000 hits, so if that one doesn't help there are plenty more out there.

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