uncool Posted June 3, 2005 Posted June 3, 2005 Someone tell me if my math is correct? [math] n^n[/math] acts like [math]n!e^n[/math], as follows: [math] \frac{(n+1)^{n+1}}{n^n} = (n+1)\frac{(n+1)^n}{n^n}[/math] [math]=(n+1)\frac{n^n+n*n^{n-1}+\frac{n(n-1)}{2}*n^{n-2}+...}{n^n}[/math] [math]=(n+1)\frac{n^n*(1+1+\frac{1}{2}+...)+n^{n-1}*(-\frac{1}{2}-\frac{3}{6}-\frac{6}{24}-\frac{10}{120}-...)}{n^n}[/math] The last terms can be dropped out because they contain a [math]\frac{1}{n}[/math] term. [math]=(n+1)\frac{n^n*e}{n^n}=e*(n+1)[/math] so after a while, the two act similarly. In this case, similarly means that if you take the ln of both and divide them, the quotient will approach one, as shown below: n [math]n!*e^n[/math] [math]n^n[/math] Ratio 1 2.718281828 1 2.718281828 2 14.7781122 4 3.694528049 3 120.5132215 27 4.46345265 4 1310.355601 256 5.118576566 5 17809.57909 3125 5.69906531 6 290468.7313 46656 6.225752986 7 5527031.118 823543 6.711284193 8 120192226 16777216 7.164014938 9 2940447096 387420489 7.58980792 10 79929639076 10000000000 7.992963908 11 2.38998E+12 2.85312E+11 8.376748609 12 7.79598E+13 8.9161E+12 8.743710992 13 2.75492E+15 3.02875E+14 9.095885843 14 1.04841E+17 1.1112E+16 9.434928193 15 4.27481E+18 4.37894E+17 9.762205686 16 1.85922E+20 1.84467E+19 10.07886392 17 8.59161E+21 8.2724E+20 10.38587387 18 4.2038E+23 3.93464E+22 10.684067 19 2.17115E+25 1.97842E+24 10.97416181 20 1.18036E+27 1.04858E+26 11.25678423 21 6.73795E+28 5.84259E+27 11.53248351 22 4.02944E+30 3.41428E+29 11.80174472 23 2.51923E+32 2.08805E+31 12.06499882 24 1.64351E+34 1.33374E+33 12.32263074 25 1.11688E+36 8.88178E+34 12.57498598 26 7.89361E+37 6.15612E+36 12.82237603 27 5.7934E+39 4.43426E+38 13.06508291 28 4.40947E+41 3.31455E+40 13.30336289 29 3.47599E+43 2.56769E+42 13.53744971 30 2.83462E+45 2.05891E+44 13.76755723 31 2.38864E+47 1.70692E+46 13.99388172 32 2.07776E+49 1.4615E+48 14.21660385 33 1.86382E+51 1.2911E+50 14.43589032 34 1.72257E+53 1.17566E+52 14.65189539 35 1.63885E+55 1.10251E+54 14.86476209 36 1.60375E+57 1.06387E+56 15.07462336 37 1.61299E+59 1.05551E+58 15.28160301 38 1.66614E+61 1.07591E+60 15.48581657 39 1.76632E+63 1.12595E+62 15.68737206 40 1.92054E+65 1.20893E+64 15.88637066 41 2.14044E+67 1.33088E+66 16.08290725 42 2.44369E+69 1.50131E+68 16.27707102 43 2.85634E+71 1.73438E+70 16.46894589 44 3.4163E+73 2.05077E+72 16.65861095 45 4.17892E+75 2.48064E+74 16.84614083 46 5.22536E+77 3.06803E+76 17.03160605 47 6.67588E+79 3.87792E+78 17.21507334 48 8.71052E+81 5.00702E+80 17.39660591 49 1.1602E+84 6.60097E+82 17.57626371 50 1.57688E+86 8.88178E+84 17.75410364 51 2.18607E+88 1.21921E+87 17.9301798 52 3.09002E+90 1.70677E+89 18.10454364 53 4.45176E+92 2.43568E+91 18.27724417 54 6.53462E+94 3.54212E+93 18.4483281 55 9.76961E+96 5.24745E+95 18.61784 56 1.4872E+99 7.91643E+97 18.78582241 57 2.3042E+101 1.2158E+100 18.952316 58 3.6329E+103 1.9003E+102 19.11735968 59 5.8264E+105 3.0218E+104 19.28099067 60 9.5026E+107 4.8874E+106 19.44324464 61 1.5757E+110 8.0375E+108 19.60415578 62 2.6555E+112 1.3436E+111 19.76375689 63 4.5477E+114 2.2827E+113 19.92207945 64 7.9116E+116 3.9402E+115 20.0791537 65 1.3979E+119 6.9083E+117 20.23500872 66 2.5079E+121 1.23E+120 20.38967246 67 4.5675E+123 2.2234E+122 20.54317183 68 8.4427E+125 4.0795E+124 20.69553274 69 1.5835E+128 7.596E+126 20.84678014 70 3.0131E+130 1.435E+129 20.9969381 71 5.8153E+132 2.7501E+131 21.14602983 72 1.1381E+135 5.3449E+133 21.29407772 73 2.2585E+137 1.0533E+136 21.44110339 74 4.543E+139 2.1045E+138 21.58712774 75 9.2619E+141 4.2618E+140 21.73217094 76 1.9134E+144 8.7465E+142 21.87625251 77 4.0049E+146 1.8188E+145 22.01939133 78 8.4914E+148 3.8316E+147 22.16160566 79 1.8235E+151 8.176E+149 22.30291319 80 3.9654E+153 1.7668E+152 22.44333104 81 8.731E+155 3.8662E+154 22.58287582 82 1.9461E+158 8.5652E+156 22.7215636 83 4.3908E+160 1.9208E+159 22.85940999 84 1.0026E+163 4.3597E+161 22.99643011 85 2.3165E+165 1.0014E+164 23.13263866 86 5.4154E+167 2.3274E+166 23.26804987 87 1.2807E+170 5.4724E+168 23.40267759 88 3.0635E+172 1.3016E+171 23.53653527 89 7.4114E+174 3.1312E+173 23.66963596 90 1.8132E+177 7.6177E+175 23.80199238 91 4.4851E+179 1.874E+178 23.93361686 92 1.1216E+182 4.661E+180 24.06452141 93 2.8355E+184 1.172E+183 24.19471773 94 7.2453E+186 2.9786E+185 24.32421718 95 1.871E+189 7.6514E+187 24.45303083 96 4.8825E+191 1.9863E+190 24.58116948 97 1.2874E+194 5.2102E+192 24.70864361 98 3.4295E+196 1.3809E+195 24.83546345 99 9.2291E+198 3.6973E+197 24.961639 100 2.5087E+201 1E+200 25.08717995 101 6.8876E+203 2.7319E+202 25.2120958 102 1.9097E+206 7.5373E+204 25.33639579 103 5.3468E+208 2.1001E+207 25.46008894 104 1.5115E+211 5.9084E+209 25.58318404 105 4.3143E+213 1.6783E+212 25.7056897 106 1.2431E+216 4.8131E+214 25.82761431 107 3.6156E+218 1.3934E+217 25.94896604 108 1.0615E+221 4.0716E+219 26.0697529 109 3.145E+223 1.2008E+222 26.18998271 110 9.404E+225 3.5743E+224 26.3096631 111 2.8374E+228 1.0736E+227 26.42880153 112 8.6385E+230 3.254E+229 26.54740531 113 2.6535E+233 9.9509E+231 26.66548157 114 8.2227E+235 3.0701E+234 26.78303728 115 2.5704E+238 9.5555E+236 26.90007926 116 8.1051E+240 3E+239 27.01661421 117 2.5777E+243 9.5005E+241 27.13264864 118 8.2683E+245 3.0344E+244 27.24818895 119 2.6746E+248 9.7744E+246 27.36324141 120 8.7243E+250 3.175E+249 27.47781213 121 2.8695E+253 1.04E+252 27.59190713 122 9.5162E+255 3.4348E+254 27.70553227 123 3.1817E+258 1.1437E+257 27.81869332 124 1.0725E+261 3.8396E+259 27.93139591 125 3.6441E+263 1.2994E+262 28.04364558 126 1.2481E+266 4.4329E+264 28.15544773 127 4.3087E+268 1.5243E+267 28.26680769 128 1.4992E+271 5.2829E+269 28.37773065 129 5.257E+273 1.8453E+272 28.48822172 130 1.8577E+276 6.4958E+274 28.59828591 131 6.6152E+278 2.3043E+277 28.70792812 132 2.3736E+281 8.2368E+279 28.81715318 133 8.5814E+283 2.9667E+282 28.92596581 134 3.1258E+286 1.0766E+285 29.03437064 135 1.1471E+289 3.936E+287 29.14237222 136 4.2405E+291 1.4497E+290 29.24997503 137 1.5792E+294 5.3792E+292 29.35718345 138 5.9239E+296 2.0105E+295 29.46400178 139 2.2383E+299 7.5693E+297 29.57043425 140 8.518E+301 2.8703E+300 29.67648501 141 3.2648E+304 1.0962E+303 29.78215814 142 1.2602E+307 4.2164E+305 29.88745764 -Uncool-
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