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The basic idea behind the normal work of a body is maintaining the pH value in the different regions of the body within its normal, specific ranges. A chronic disease is under this assumption the result of a more or less wrong pH value of the affected organs, regions and/or blood in the body. That’s the common belief. I will introduce the theory that the pH value of blood is the pH value which controls every part of the Human body. It ‘interacts’ with all the other pH values of the body and it is by far the most important pH value since blood is with the exception of the corneas of the eyes distributed throughout the whole body.

The pH value is a measurement of the acidity of a aqueous solution. The neutral pH value is pH 7. Any pH value above is alkalic and below is acidic. Blood needs to have a pH value between 7.35. and 7.45. That means it needs to be low alkalic.

If the pH value of blood continues for awhile slightly below 7.35 the body becomes hyperacid and a lot problems can occur. For example your joints can start to hurt. A pH value below 7 yields to coma and death. To regulate the pH value in cells the body uses buffers. Buffers are aqueous solutions which easily interconvert between acid and base forms.

If you look at the needed range of the pH value for blood, which is between 7.35 and 7.45 and you observe that a blood pH value slightly below 7 is leading to coma and death, you may imagine the sensitivity of the hydrogen ion concentration in blood. Why is that? The difference between the highest and the lowest pH value that is healthy of blood is 0.1 and the difference between it and the pH value of blood that can lead to coma and death is slightly more than 0.35. In an acid with pH 0 every acid molecule is dissociated into its hydrogen ions and the negative loaded part of the molecule. Comparing now the narrow range of the healthy pH value in blood which is 0.1 with the distance to coma or death which is about 0.35 - 0.4 we observe that the pH value in blood is extremely sensitive. This is becoming more clear, if we compare the total number of the hydrogen ion concentrations of pH 0.1 and pH 0.4. The difference of the number of the hydrogen ions is about 20 hydrogen ions per litre. This is only not negligible because it makes the difference between death and healthiness.

Processes that are leading to a high deviation from the normal values are called acidosis and alkalosis. They can be metabolic or respiratory.

In the blood the buffer equation is given by the weak carbonic acid which dissociates into the bicarbonate ion and carbon hydroxide. In order to maintain healthiness, meaning pH value of blood is around 7.4, the relation between bicarbonate and carbon acid must be 20:1.

Blood takes oxygen from the lungs and transports to the cells, which are converting it into carbon dioxide. Carbon hydroxide is being transported back to the lungs by blood in order to exhale it. Blood transports also food. It is responsible for the different metabolisms in the human body. It transports sugar to the all cells, which produce energy by some mechanism.

It is widely believed that for example kidneys or lungs are helping to maintain the pH value in blood by affecting the buffer components in the blood. Well, I think this is not that simple. Oxygen is entering the body through the nose and the mouth. It enters then the lungs and is transported by the blood to cells where it is oxidised to carbon oxide. But as with every chemical system it is an equilibrium equation with minimum two sides. In equilibrium the pH value of blood is between 7.35 and 7.45. But as we have explained above the difference between death and healthiness of the Human body is without buffers a hydrogen ion concentration of around 20 ions per litre. With carbon acid - bicarbonate being the buffer system the range widens up to about 400 hydrogen ions per litre. The total number of molecules per litre is a number with ten to the power of twenty three. That’s a number with twenty three zeros. We see that still the range of hydrogen ions allowed to vary is nearly negligible.

This influence is essential, since the pH value of the blood is extremely sensitive as we have seen. Only a negligible small deviation of the hydrogen ion concentration per litre can result in a total chaos of the body. A heavy consumption of alcohol can provide health problems since according to the basic equation, carbon acid + alcohol <-> ester + water, leads to the production of carbon acids which in turn lowers the pH value of blood and thus every other part of the Human body. If we consider as the carbon acid in the basic equation above the buffer acid, it will exceed after some time of continuously consumption of alcohol and the body runs into problems.

If we consider this example, we see that the pH value in blood is very sensitive. We can imagine that everywhere in the body the pH value is very sensitive. Thus for example the Lipase an enzyme that is existing for example in pancreas does its optimum work there at pH 8. Pancreas produces insulin.

Insulin promotes the transfer of glucose into fat, liver and muscle cells. Insulin is a protein, thus an amino acid. Thus insulin is a part in the chain blood -> energy (glucose) -> body. Why can’t it sometimes be produced anymore? The pH level in the pancreas must be responsible for producing insulin. How do the different pH levels in the Human body connect? The only parts in the Human body that do not have blood vessels are the cornea in the eyes. Thus one can conclude that the pH level in blood has an influence in every part of the Human body except that of the corneas in the eyes.

As an example of the effect of an unhealthy pH value we look to the bone marrow. Blood cells are produced in the bone marrow by cell division of so-called stem cells. The cell division is also depending on the outside pH value of the cells. If the pH value is not in its range the cell division of stem cells to blood cells suffers.

Also the pH value in the intra- and extracellular fluids of the brain is very important. It could be responsible for several mental problems from the biochemical point of view.

We can only imagine how much a slight deviation influences the individual number of hydrogen ions the Human body as a whole. Especially if we take into account that blood is by far the most important part of the body. Blood interacts with, except the corneas of the eyes, every part of the body and we can conclude that its pH value influences the Human body entirely with a tremendous effect.

Why wasn’t this yet recognised? I believe people weren’t asking: How narrow are the ranges of the hydrogen ion concentration? People seem to only talk about the pH value and didn’t think to express the hydrogen ion concentration in actual numbers of ions per litre and weren’t relate this to the total number of molecules per litre.

Moreover, they weren’t considering the individuality of every Human being. I mean if you only consider everywhere ranges of pH values or the so-called ranges of blood values, you don’t incorporate the individuality of any Human being correctly. You need to measure the pH value of blood and then look how a slight change affects the body. An increase of the pH value in blood can be gained by lowering the temperature of the body or by consuming vegan alkaline food.



Moderator Note

I have already removed this thread once, as you already have one on more or less the same topic. Please stick to that thread, and stop polluting the forum with copy pastes from your blog.

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