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Maxwell's Structure of Light


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§ 1. Maxwell's Structure of Light



The electromagnetic transverse wave equations of light are derived using Maxwell's equations,



∇ x E = - dB/dt........................∇ x B = 1/c (dE/dt).....................................73a,b



Maxwell's curl equations (equ 73a,b) are expanded to form,



dEz/dy - dEy/dz = - dBx/dt...........................................................................74


dEx/dz - dEz/dx = - dBy/dt...........................................................................75


dEy/dx - dEx/dy = - dBz/dt...........................................................................76




dBz/dy - dBy/dz = 1/c (dEx/dt)....................................................................77


dBx/dz - dBz/dx = 1/c (dEy/dt)....................................................................78


dBy/dx - dBx/dy = 1/c (dEz/dt)..................................................... ..............79


The z-direction electric transverse wave equations is derived using equations 74 and 78 by eliminating dEy/dz and dBz/dx  to form (Jenkins, p. 410),


dEy/dz = 1/c (dBx/dt)..............................dBx/dz = 1/c (dEy/dt)...................80a,b



Differentiating equation 80a, with the respect to d/dz, and equation 80b with respect to d/dt produces (Condon, p, 1-108),



d2Ey/d2z = 1/c (d2Bx/dtdz)......................d2Bx/dtdz = 1/c (d2Ey/d2t)...........81a,b



Equating equations 81a,b,


d2Ey/d2z = 1/c2 (d2Ey/d2t)...........................................................................82


Differentiating equation 82a, with the respect to d/dt, and equation 82b with respect to d/dz produces ,



d2Ey/dtdz = 1/c (d2Bx/d2t)......................d2Bx/d2z = 1/c (d2Ey/dtdz)...........83a,b



Equating equations 83a,b forms,


d2Bx/d2z = 1/c2 (d2Bx/d2t)..........................................................................84


Equations 82 and 84 are used to derive the z direction electromagnetic transverse wave equations of light (fig 17),



Ey = Eo cos(kz - wt) ĵ ..............................................................................85


Bx = Bo cos(kz -wt) î ................................................................................86

In the derivation of equations 80a,b, 14 of the 18 differential components that constitute Maxwell's equations are eliminated since an electromagnetic field within a volume forms a horizontal wave.
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Um, Elimination doesn't work on differential equations, they are arrays unless you mean elimination in the array or matrix form to solve them.



Wait, I get what he is saying, but he gave it the wrong term.

Edited by Vmedvil
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