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I have posted this before and feel this should be posted again (slightly modified): I will not answer any questions. There is sufficient info here for a weak "demo" that can be "enhanced" by what we call "kickers."




A 'green' power source:


A group of us (now one physicist, two engineers, and myself, all longtime retired) have developed a 'new' wind-powered energy source that works Below wind speeds of 7 mph. We are on our 19th innovation. We are willing to altruistically describe our First innovative "demo" prototype so that others can/might follow on a parallel course:


First take some plastic thread spools and imbed short, flexible (hairlike) glass fibers around the spools. (Yes, we used needles to press holes in the spools for the homemade drawn glass fibers, and yes it is hard to do, but that's typical of prototypical work.) At each end of the spools attach (leave center hole clear) homemade wind cups that will catch the wind and spin the spools (if threaded on a teflon shaft, or similar). Arrange the spools on a shaft plus shaft support. Next make a homemade capacitor out of two flat squares of metal (size to be determined by experiment). Mount horizontally outside (yet under a roof or awning), and then mount the spool assembly over the top plate of the capacitor so that most of the glass fibers touch/brush that top plate as the wind spins the spools. Finally wrap the top plate with Saran Wrap or equivalent. The spinning spools/glass fibers will eventually charge the capacitor. How you bleed off the 'charges' is part of our additional prototypes and can't be related here, of course. The rest is up to you. For additional circuit ideas (spark gaps, zener diodes, inverters, etc.) you can start by googling, say, radiant energy. Perhaps more later.

We have pursued this project to couple with wind turbine technology that has shortcomings such as expense and not working in light breezes. This system should also be coupled with radiant energy systems(again google radiant energy -- some of the circuitry is applicable to "bleed" off power to charge batteries) for times of no winds. Once each household on the planet is energy independent, many problems will go away. ( And of course an isolated primitive village, cabin, campsite, outpost, etc. can utilize this easy, economical system. . . .) Our ultimate goal is to duplicate the purported output of the Testikica (Swiss) "free" energy device, a goal we now feel is in reach. Are you "listening" DOE?


You posted the *exact* same thread a month ago (and I mean verbatim, word-for-word the same), and it got a whopping 0 replies. What makes you think we care?


If this idea is so great, go patent it and sell it. Unless you're talking out of your ass like every other crank who blows through here with an "invention".


Keep in mind that similar projects are being done around the world. (Even Zubrin suggested something similar for use on Mars. Then there's GE's CEO. . . .) All the description is there in my first post above to get anyone started on a parallel course. By the way, once we finish the final version, our company will be called EDCO mfg. Read for comprehension, please.


If you *really* have something, why are you posting here? To boast? Your post contains *nothing* useful beyond an announcement which you've made before (and which was recieved with deafening silence).


Seriously, what's the point of this post? Not dicussion, obviously, since you raise no points to discuss. It's redundant as an announcement. Do you just expect everyone to pat you on the back?




To altruistically inspire innovation, a concept this nation is losing ground in. Are you the Gate Gnome? So silly.

To altruistically inspire innovation, a concept this nation is losing ground in.
We love innovation, but this is a debate forum and as Mokele points out, you give us nothing for discussion. We will be overjoyed to read of your success in the appropriate media.
Are you the Gate Gnome?
No, I am. This is now just advertising for you. Thread closed.
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