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if u were to read up on shungite as a water purifier , my question here today is  , could it also be used as an astrigent of the blood. im fascinated with finding out if anything like that is even remotely possible.. ive read up on these fullerenes and theyre described as pockets of hyrogen that acts as a nuetralizing agent to bacteria and posions in water...  apply this same proccess to blood disorders and disease and what do u get ??   does anyone know and can anyone tell me if its possible???  no more visits to the dialysis center ?? if it can remove toxic and cancerous agents from polluted water im wondering if it would do the same directly in the bloodstream of a human being ... heres one article , though not fully convincing im sure it isnt a lie. can someone do a before an after .by taking dirty water under a microscope and then taking that same water with the shungite present and tell me what u see ???  im not a scientist and didnt even finish high school but you guys know if its possible  im excited about what i may hear ....

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Posted (edited)

There's hemoperfusion. Activated charcoal, but fairly similar. Note still external.

Even if there are no other issues, shungite would likely still lose filtering capacity(trapping) if it was in the bloodstream.

Edited by Endy0816

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