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For about a week I've been waiting for these forums to get fixed, but maybe nobody else has this problem? It worked before I went to camp (3 weeks ago I think) with the same browser, same OS, same everything. Anyway, this is waht happens. Threads sometiems load completely, but the rest of the site (indexes) only load so far. They stop at the immages on the left. If I wait long enough, I see text,


Go to first new post

You have 1 post(s) in this thread, last 06-17-2005



But there aren't any actual images. It just says "Transferring data from pagead2.googlesyndication.com..." Even right now, in post new thread, the smilies at the right aren't loading. Nor the "icons."


Just to illistrate how bad this is, I had to look in the source to find "New Thread" in order to actual post this...The post new thread button never appears. It does this in Firefox, Epiphany, and Mozilla. I'm using FC4.


Here's a screenshot:



If I wait long enough, it stops loading, but the images still don't appear.


Edit: I noticed that sometimes it says "Transfering data from ads.digitalpoint.com..." instead of google.


( Ironically, the edit post button doesn't show up either.)


I have a feeling it's on your end. Everything loads fine for me.


I had a similar problem on another site where none of the images loaded (it showed the alternate text) and then I discovered that it had somehow gotten onto my "Block images from this site" thing in Firefox.


hey, that happened to me about a week ago (the 'block imajes from this site thing).


took me ages to figure it out :embarass:


I've had a few problems before with SFN, when some of the images would get mixed up or vanish entirely, and it cleared up with the cache.


by the way, dave, the #sfn statistics link in your sig gives a 404 error.


It wasn't blocked, but I specifically "accepted" images and it worked. I swear it was like that for every browser!


Anyway, it's fixed. Thanks.

  • 3 weeks later...

It stoped working again. This is very wierd. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I have firefox specified and everything.

  • 3 weeks later...

I have a problem editing posts too... But there's a solution for that. Hover over the #X and in the URL look for ?p=xxxxxx


Then go to editpost.php?do=editpost&p=x


I wish the images would just load, though. Avatars do, but nothing else!

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