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Hi guys,

What do you think about an idea to make p2p platform connecting R&D groups and Universities with customers on a specific demand?


Customers can place their order to the Institution they never did before. Within the thrust and confidence of blockchainplatform. It is strongly actual due to the demand of developed markets (Japan, US, EU, UK, Switzerland, etc.) and to the development of emerging markets (China, India, Russia, etc.)


E.g., let us assume that the scientific group N1C1R1 of the city of C1R1 in the country R1 has received a grant for the development of a new type of magnetoresistivememory. In the course of the work it became clear that the group does not have the equipment for determining the samples, namely the parameters of the anisotropy axes by the method of magneto-optical Kerr effect. The head of the laboratory turned to his colleague from the city of C2R1. During the negotiations it was found out that the colleague insists on overcharging. In order to have a leverage for bargaining, the head of the N1C1R1 logs in the platform for the first time. There he finds the criteria MOKE (Kerr) and anysotropyaxis. He sees that these services can be provided by a number of scientific groups around the world, and the prices for equipment and services (average and quantile estimates) are lower by 70% than those mentioned by the colleague from S1C2R1. Thus, the head of N1C1R1 places an order on the platform for N1C1R2. Moreover, he avoids direct contact, because he determines for himself the risks of trust to a scientific group from another country as above average. And decides to use the securely built mechanism of our site, incl. in the part of legal regulation. After placing the order, he receives a message about the availability of equipment and sufficiency of competencies to do the specified work within the specified time. After agreeing all the details, the transaction is registered on the platform. N1C1R2 receives samples and conducts their analysis, experiments, and places information on the platform about the work performing. N1C1R1 estimates the potential of N1C1R2 as a result: the competence of the group and the completeness of equipment. The evaluation is approved by the selected site delegates. The results of the assessment correct the rating of N1C1R2 and the rating of the whole institute.


In general, this is p2p ecosystem, every participant can take any role: investor, customer, performer, delegate, voter, client from the network platform (social networks, open source platforms, ipcollectors). Participants’ contribution is rewarded with either tokens or rating or votes.


Can you give me any feedback on this?

Edited by Phi for All
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