forLoopMan Posted April 16, 2018 Posted April 16, 2018 I have studying processing for 1 month. I would like to make a shooting game .When I run the program and shot the fire, the fire I shot recently will stay in the original place. When the enemy passes where I once l, they die automatically without pressing the shooting key ( 'c' || 'C'). I am confuesd with this problem two days long!Hope anyone can answer my question. Thank you! //Background PImage universe; PImage universe1; PImage winPage; // player PImage buzzLightyear; int buzzLightyearW; int buzzLightyearH; float playerLeft; float playerRight; float playerTop; float playerBottom; int x; int y; // lgm PImage littleGreenMan; int totalNumLgm = 15; int littleGreenManW; int littleGreenManH; float[] dx = new float [totalNumLgm]; float[] dy = new float [totalNumLgm]; float []lgmLeft =new float[totalNumLgm]; float []lgmRight= new float[totalNumLgm]; float []lgmTop= new float[totalNumLgm]; float []lgmBottom= new float[totalNumLgm]; float []lgmX= new float[totalNumLgm]; float []lgmY= new float[totalNumLgm]; int lgmBossPage = 4; float []lgmX1= new float[lgmBossPage]; float []lgmY1= new float[lgmBossPage]; //fire int totalFireNum = 20; PImage[] fireShape = new PImage [totalFireNum]; float [] fireW = new float[totalFireNum]; float [] fireH = new float[totalFireNum]; float distanceBetweenFireAndBuzz; boolean [] fireAppear= new boolean[totalFireNum]; float[] fireX= new float[totalFireNum]; float[] fireY = new float[totalFireNum]; int fireSpeed = 15; float[]fireLeft = new float[ totalFireNum]; float[]fireRight = new float[ totalFireNum]; float[]fireTop = new float[ totalFireNum]; float[]fireBottom = new float[ totalFireNum]; // boss PImage greenDinosaur; int bossHp= 30; float a = 800.1; float b =300.1; float ax; float by; int bossW = 300; int bossH =300; float bossRight; float bossLeft; float bossTop; float bossBottom; //others boolean gameOver; int score; int count; boolean up, down, left, right; int stageNum= 0; PImage lose; void setup() { size (1000, 750); universe = loadImage("universe.jpg"); buzzLightyear = loadImage("buzzLightyear.png"); littleGreenMan = loadImage("littleGreenMan.png"); greenDinosaur = loadImage("GreenDinosaur.png"); universe1 = loadImage("universe1.jpg"); winPage = loadImage("winpage.png"); //player buzzLightyearW =100; buzzLightyearH = 100; //lgm littleGreenManW = 100; littleGreenManH = 100; for ( int p = 0; p< totalNumLgm; p++) { lgmX[p] = random(1100, 1500); lgmY[p] = random(0, 750); dy[p] = random(0.5, 3); dx[p] = random(0.5, 3); } for (int v=0; v<lgmBossPage; v++) { lgmX1[v] = random(width/2, width-littleGreenManW); lgmY1[v] = random(150, 600); dy[v] = -random(0.05, 0.2); dx[v] =-random(0.08, 0.1); } //fire for (int i = 0; i < totalFireNum; i=i+1) { fireShape = loadImage("fireShape.png"); fireW = 300; fireH =100; float scale = random(0.3, 0.5); fireW = fireW* scale; fireH =fireH * scale; fireAppear = false; fireX = -100; fireY = -100; fireAppear = false; } //others gameOver = false; up = false; down = false; left = false; right = false; x = width/2; y = height/2; } void draw() { if (stageNum==0) { welcomePage(); } else if (stageNum == 1) { gamePage(); } else if (stageNum == 2) { gameOverPage(); } else if (stageNum ==3) { bossPage(); } else if (stageNum ==4) { winPage(); } } void welcomePage() { stageNum =0; image(universe, 0, 0, width, height); image(buzzLightyear, 0, 250, 250, 250); image(littleGreenMan, 700, height/3*1.5, 300, 300); image(greenDinosaur, 700, 100, 300, 300); textSize(40); fill(255, 0, 0); text("Instruction: Press 'g' or 'G' to start", 10, 40); text("Survive and kill the", 10, 80); text("boss then win the game", 10, 120); text( "Press 'c' or 'C' to shoot the enemies", 10, 160); } void gamePage() { // stageNum = 1; image(universe, 0, 0, width, height); textSize(50); fill(255, 0, 0); text("Time:", 10, 50); text("Score:" +score, 10, 100); count =count +1; text("Time:" + count/60+"s", 10, 50); image(buzzLightyear, x, y, buzzLightyearW, buzzLightyearH); if ( gameOver == false) { for ( int p = 0; p< totalNumLgm; p++) { image(littleGreenMan, lgmX[p], lgmY[p], littleGreenManW, littleGreenManH); lgmY[p] = lgmY[p] - dy[p]; lgmX[p] = lgmX[p] - dx[p]; lgmLeft[p]= lgmX[p]+10; lgmRight[p] = lgmX[p]+littleGreenManW+10; lgmTop[p] = lgmY[p]; lgmBottom[p] =lgmY[p]+littleGreenManH; if ( lgmY[p]< 0) { dy[p] = -dy[p]; } if (lgmY[p]+littleGreenManH>height) { lgmY[p] =height- littleGreenManH; dy[p] = -dy[p]; } if (lgmX[p]<0) { lgmX[p] = random(1100, 1700); lgmY[p] = random(0, 750); dy[p] = random(1.3, 4); dx[p] = random(1.3, 4); } } if (up) { y = y - 6; } if (down) { y = y + 6; } if (left) { x = x - 6; } if (right) { x = x + 6; } if (y<0) { y=0; } if (x<0) { x=0; } if (y>750-buzzLightyearH) { y=750-buzzLightyearH; } if (x>1000-buzzLightyearW) { x=1000-buzzLightyearW; } playerLeft=x; playerRight=x+buzzLightyearW; playerTop=y; playerBottom=y+buzzLightyearH; for (int i = 0; i < totalFireNum; i = i+1) { if ( fireAppear==true) { image(fireShape, fireX, fireY, fireW, fireH); fireX = fireX+fireSpeed; fireRight = fireX + fireW; fireLeft = fireX; fireTop = fireY; fireBottom = fireY+fireH; } if ( fireX+fireW>1000) { fireAppear = false ; } } for ( int p = 0; p< totalNumLgm; p++) { for (int i = 0; i < totalFireNum; i = i+1) { if ( fireRight>lgmLeft[p] && fireLeft <lgmRight[p]&& fireTop<lgmBottom[p] && fireBottom>lgmTop[p]) { fireAppear = false ; lgmX[p] = random(1100, 1700); lgmY[p] = random(0, 750); dy[p] = random(0.5, 4); dx[p] = random(0.5, 4); score =score+1; break; } } if (playerRight>lgmLeft[p] && playerLeft<lgmRight[p] && playerTop<lgmBottom[p] && playerBottom>lgmTop[p]) { gameOver = true; stageNum=2; } if ( score ==10) { stageNum = 3; } } } } void bossPage() { //stageNum=3; image(universe1, 0, 0, width, height); text("Time:", 10, 50); text("Score:" +score, 10, 100); count =count +1; text("Time:" + count/60+"s", 10, 50); image(buzzLightyear, x, y, buzzLightyearW, buzzLightyearH); image(greenDinosaur, a, b, bossW, bossH); for (int i = 0; i < totalFireNum; i = i+1) { if ( fireX+fireW>1000) { fireAppear = false ; fireX = -300; } if (up) { y = y - 1; } if (down) { y = y + 1; } if (left) { x = x - 1; } if (right) { x = x + 1; } if (y<0) { y=0; } if (x<0) { x=0; } if (y>750-buzzLightyearH) { y=750-buzzLightyearH; } if (x>1000-buzzLightyearW) { x=1000-buzzLightyearW; } } for (int i = 0; i < totalFireNum; i = i+1) { if ( fireAppear==true) { image(fireShape, fireX, fireY, fireW, fireH); fireX = fireX+fireSpeed; fireRight = fireX + fireW; fireLeft = fireX; fireTop = fireY; fireBottom = fireY+fireH; } image( greenDinosaur, a, b, bossW, bossH); ax = -random(0.1, 0.2); by = random(-0.1, 0.1); a = a+ax; b = b+by; if (b<0) { b=0; by = -by; } else if (b+bossH>height) { b = height-bossH; by = -by; } bossRight=a+bossW; bossLeft=a; bossTop=b; bossBottom=b+bossH; if ( fireRight>bossLeft && fireLeft <bossRight && fireTop<bossBottom && fireBottom>bossTop) { fireAppear = false ; bossHp = bossHp-1; } playerLeft=x; playerRight=x+buzzLightyearW; playerTop=y; playerBottom=y+buzzLightyearH; for (int v = 0; v<lgmBossPage; v++) { image(littleGreenMan, lgmX1[v], lgmY1[v], littleGreenManW, littleGreenManH); dy[v] = -random(0.2, 0.5); dx[v] =-random(0.2, 0.5); lgmX1[v] =lgmX1[v]+dx[v]; lgmY1[v] = lgmY1[v]+dy[v]; if (lgmX1[v]+littleGreenManW>width) { dx[v]=-dx[v]; lgmX1[v] = width-littleGreenManW; } else if (lgmX1[v]<0) { lgmX1[v]=0; dx[v]=-dx[v]; } if (lgmY1[v] <0) { lgmY1[v]=0; dy[v]=-dy[v]; } else if ( lgmY1[v]+littleGreenManH>height) { lgmY1[v] = height-littleGreenManH; dy[v] =-dy[v]; } } if (playerRight> bossLeft && playerLeft < bossRight && playerTop<bossBottom && playerBottom > bossTop) { gameOver =true; stageNum=2; } if (a<0) { gameOver = true; stageNum = 2; } if ( bossHp==0) { stageNum=4; } } } void gameOverPage() { // stageNum = 2; image(universe1, 0, 0, width, height); textSize(50); fill( 175, 130, 140); text("press Q or q to restart the game", width/2-350, height/2); } void winPage() { // stageNum = 4; image(winPage, 0, 0, width, height); fill(0); textSize(40); text("You save your friend!", width/2+80, 80); text("Press ' k' to restart", width/2+80, 160); } void keyPressed() { if ((key =='G' || key == 'g') && stageNum==0) { stageNum =1; gameOver =false; } if ((key == 'q'|| key == 'Q') && stageNum ==2) { stageNum =0; setup(); score=0; count=0; } if ((key == 'k' || key =='K') && stageNum ==4) { stageNum =0; setup(); score =0; bossHp=30; count=0; } if (keyCode == UP) up=true; if (keyCode == DOWN) down=true; if (keyCode == LEFT) left=true; if (keyCode == RIGHT) right=true; if (key =='c' || key == 'C') { for (int i = 0; i < totalFireNum; i = i+1) { if (fireAppear == false ) { fireX = x+buzzLightyearW; fireY = y+buzzLightyearH/2; fireAppear = true; break; } } } } void keyReleased() { if (keyCode == UP) up=false; if (keyCode == DOWN) down=false; if (keyCode == LEFT) left=false; if (keyCode == RIGHT) right=false; }
Sensei Posted April 16, 2018 Posted April 16, 2018 (edited) You declared fire parameters at the beginning as arrays: float[] fireX= new float[totalFireNum]; float[] fireY = new float[totalFireNum]; int fireSpeed = 15; float[]fireLeft = new float[ totalFireNum]; float[]fireRight = new float[ totalFireNum]; float[]fireTop = new float[ totalFireNum]; float[]fireBottom = new float[ totalFireNum]; ("fire" is inappropriate name. You rather meant "missile".. ?) but later you're treating them as regular scalar variables... e.g. image(fireShape, fireX, fireY, fireW, fireH); fireX = fireX+fireSpeed; fireRight = fireX + fireW; fireLeft = fireX; fireTop = fireY; fireBottom = fireY+fireH; (addition of float/integer to array pointer (address) ?!) You should make loop going through entire list of missiles, display them one by one, and change their positions independently, incrementing/changing array fields.. Edited April 16, 2018 by Sensei
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