Fermer05 Posted April 19, 2018 Posted April 19, 2018 (edited) Waters of lakes, seas and oceans of the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise, and the waters of the southern hemisphere rotate clockwise, forming giant whirlpools. The main reason for the rotation of the whirlpools are, local winds, flowing into the seas and oceans of the river and the deflecting force of Coriolis. And the higher the speed of the winds, the higher the rotation speed of the whirlpools, and as a consequence, the higher the centrifugal force of the whirlpools, thereby raising the level of the waters of the seas and oceans. And the lower the rotation speed of the whirlpools, the lower the water level of the seas and oceans .. The speed of the currents along the perimeter of the seas and oceans is not the same everywhere and depends on the depth of the coast. In the shallow part of the seas and oceans, the current moves rapidly, and in the deep-water part of the seas and oceans the current moves slowly. Seasonal water level rise is not observed throughout the coast of the seas and oceans, but only in those coasts where the high angular velocity of the currents and as a consequence, the high centrifugal force of the water. (Centrifugal force F = mv2 / r). On the rectilinear coasts, where the currents do not have angular velocity, the water level does not increase. The waters of the Gulf of Finland rotate counter-clockwise, forming a whirlpool in the form of an ellipse. And when the seasonal south-west winds untwist the whirlpool to 5 km / h, the centrifugal force of the whirlpool increases, so that the water level rises to 30 cm on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Finland. A similar scheme of seasonal water level rise is observed in all lakes, seas and oceans .. The average depth of the Gulf of Finland is about 50 meters, on the east coast about 5 meters, in the west of the bay about 100 meters, for this reason, on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Finland, the linear and angular velocity of the currents is much higher (by how much less the depth of the coast, ) .. In the Gulf of Finland, seasonal water level rise has two peaks: in August-September, and in December-January and coincide with the season of south-west winds. The current velocity in the Gulf of Finland reaches from 2 to 17 km / h, and the maximum current speed on the Earth reaches 30 km / h, the wind speed is more than 100 km / h.http://goo.gl/eYVTo6http://esimo.oceanography.ru/esp1/index.php?sea_code=1§ion=6&menu_code=1734 The waters of the Caspian Sea rotate counter-clockwise, forming a whirlpool in the form of an ellipse. And when the seasonal winds and flood river Volga unleash the whirlpool, the centrifugal force of the whirlpool increases, due to which, on the northern coast of the Caspian Sea, the water level rises to 1 meter. The average depth of the Caspian Sea is about 200 meters, on the northern coast about 5 meters, on the southern coast about 700 meters. Due to this, in the north of the Caspian the current speed rises from 1 to 10 km / h. In the Caspian Sea, the peak seasonal increase in water levels is observed in June and August and coincides with the season of winds and the flood of the Volga River. During the drought over the Volga river basin, the level of the Caspian Sea does not increase.http://tapemark.narod.ru/more/06.pnghttp://goo.gl/47tXq2 During the season of the western winds, the current velocity along the Murmansk coast of the Barents Sea rises to 5 km / h, due to which the seasonal rise in the water level reaches 0.5 meters. The maximum level values are observed in October-November minimum in April-May.http://proznania.ru/?page_id=2353 In the Bay of Bengal in the season of monsoon winds, the whirlpool speed rises to 10 km / h, due to which, the seasonal rise in water level reaches 1.2 meters.http://www.aziya-tur.ru/bengal'skii-zaliv.php Seasonal changes in the level of the Sea of Okhotsk are 0.2-0.5 m. The highest levels are observed in November-January, the smallest in March-April.http://parusa.narod.ru/bib/books/fareast/1406-1.htm Seasonal increase in the level of the Black Sea (up to 40 cm) is most pronounced in the southeastern part of the sea, where in summer the angular velocity of the currents reaches a maximum value.http://tapemark.narod.ru/more/07.htmlThe assumption that the cause of seasonal water level rise may be atmospheric pressure, river runoff, temperature difference and water salinity does not stand up to criticism, these factors can increase the water level by several cm, but not more. Cyclones moving above the surface of the sea from west to east at a speed of up to 40 km / h can increase sea level for several days by untwisting the whirlpool.http://www.okeanavt.ru/tainiokeana/1066mifosrednemurovne.html The presented theory can be easily verified by the connection between the velocity of currents and the sea level and the oceans. (Drawing on a map of depths and currents, seas and oceans). Continuation: Forum NIAS MEPhIhttps://mephi.ru/communication/forum/talk/forum13/topic5498/messages/ Edited April 19, 2018 by Fermer05
Fermer05 Posted June 2, 2018 Author Posted June 2, 2018 Tides and ebbs are formed not along the entire coast of the seas and oceans, but only in those coasts where the high angular velocity of the currents (1-5 km / h).On the rectilinear coasts, where currents do not have angular velocity, tides and ebbs do not form.With an increase in the angular velocity of the current in the north of the Sea of Okhotsk (10 km / h), the height of the tides in the Penzhina Bay increases to 12 meters.http://tapemark.narod.ru/more/41.pngWith an increase in the angular velocity of the current in the north of the Gulf of Maine (15 km / h), the height of the tides in the Bay of Fundy rises to 18 meters. https://goo.gl/images/cWTVG4http://www.gulfofmaine-census.org/wp-content/images/circulation/fig4.jpg"Record high tide in the Bay of Fundy - 21.6 meters - occurred only once in the history of observations, on the night of October 4 to October 5 in 1869 under the influence of the cyclone Saxby Gale."On the night of October 4 to 5, in 1869, under the influence of the cyclone Saxby Gale, "a record rainfall fell over the river basins flowing into the Bay of Fundy (300 mm in one day), so that the waters of the Bay of Fundy poured into the Gulf of Maine and increased the speed of rotation a whirlpool in the Gulf of Maine.http://www.gulfofmaine.org/ebm/toolkitsurvey/images/exec-sum-2.jpgCyclone Saxby Gale rotating counter-clockwise, also contributed to the unraveling of the whirlpool.In an abnormally cold winter and during a drought, when rivers flowing into the Bay of Fundy merge, the height of the tides does not exceed 1 meter.https://www.tide-forecast.com/locations/Fundy-Offshore-1-Nova-Scotia/tides/latest Table: The dependence of the amplitude of the tides of the Bay of Fundy, on the flow velocity in the north of the Gulf of Maine.1 km / h - 5 m5 km / h - 10 m10 km / h - 15 m15 km / h - 20 mThe average speed of the current in the English Channel is: 12-13 km / h near the city of Portland. Great Britain, 15-18.5 km / h at Cape Ag France.The maximum height of the tides is 15 m (the city of Saint-Malo, France).https:/.../m.youtube.com/watch?v=JdEkHGZMh8Ihttps:/.../m.youtube.com/watch?v=JNOpJxfI_Mghttp://geosfera.org/evropa/718-la-mansh-proliv-mezhdu-angliey-i-franciey.htmlhttps: // m.youtube.com/watch?v=M44miAiHhrk "Lunar tidal current" moving from the Indian Ocean from east to west, crashing into the eastern shore of the island of Madagascar, contrary to expectations creates zero tides. And the abnormally high tidal wave for some reason arises between the island of Madagascar and the eastern coast of Africa. Wikipedia explains this discrepancy by the reflection of waves and by the fact that the Coriolis force is doing its job.And the real reason for this inconsistency is the giant whirlpool, revolving around the island of Madagascar at a speed of 9 km / h, and precessing the reflecting tidal wave towards the eastern coast of Africa. https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Течение_мыса_Игольного https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Мозамбикское_течение http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/645fall2003_web.dir/ellie_boyce/tidal%20types%20fig.gifThe amplitude of the tides depends on the size of the current, the speed of the current, the direction of the current, the amount of water under the current.
studiot Posted June 2, 2018 Posted June 2, 2018 (edited) On 19/04/2018 at 6:01 PM, Fermer05 said: Seasonal water level rise is not observed throughout the coast of the seas and oceans, but only in those coasts where the high angular velocity of the currents and as a consequence, the high centrifugal force of the water. (Centrifugal force F = mv2 / r). On the rectilinear coasts, where the currents do not have angular velocity, the water level does not increase. It is most certainly observed in the lakes around me. You have forgotten evaporation. On 19/04/2018 at 6:01 PM, Fermer05 said: The speed of the currents along the perimeter of the seas and oceans is not the same everywhere and depends on the depth of the coast. And there's me thinking that the 'coast' is at sensibly the same level everywhere ie water surface level since it is the interface between water and land. I think you mean something other than the 'depth' of the coast. 1 hour ago, Fermer05 said: Tides and ebbs are formed not along the entire coast of the seas and oceans, but only in those coasts where the high angular velocity of the currents (1-5 km / h). The north coast of The Netherlands is essentially one long beach stretching for over 100 km from the Hague to Den Helder. It has a tidal range around 2 metres. This is one of the quintessential linear coasts. https://www.tide-forecast.com/locations/Zandvoort/tides/latest Whilst it is good to see some activity in the Earth Science section, why two posts on the same subject? And what exactly is that subject, please? Edited June 2, 2018 by studiot
Fermer05 Posted August 22, 2018 Author Posted August 22, 2018 Приливы и отливы образуются не вдоль всего побережья морей и океанов, а только на тех берегах, где высокая угловая скорость течений (1-5 км / ч). На прямолинейных берегах, где токи не имеют угловой скорости, приливы и отливы не образуются. С увеличением угловой скорости тока на севере Охотского моря (10 км / ч) высота приливов в заливе Пенжина увеличивается до 12 метров. http://tapemark.narod.ru/more/41.png С увеличением угловой скорости тока на севере залива Мэн (15 км / ч) высота приливов в заливе Фанди поднимается до 18 метров. https://goo.gl/images/cWTVG4 http://www.gulfofmaine-census.org/wp-content/images/circulation/fig4.jpg«Запись прилива в заливе Фанди - 21,6 метра - произошла только один раз в истории наблюдений в ночь с 4 октября на 5 октября в 1869 году под влиянием циклона Саксби Гейл». В ночь с 4 на 5 октября в 1869 году под влиянием циклона Саксби Гейл «рекордные осадки упали над речными бассейнами, впадающими в бухту Фанди (300 мм за один день), так что воды Залив Фанди вылился в Залив Мэн и увеличил скорость вращения гидромассажной ванны в заливе Мэн. Http://www.gulfofmaine.org/ebm/toolkitsurvey/images/exec-sum-2.jpg Циклон Saxby Gale, вращающийся против часовой стрелки, также способствовали распутыванию водоворота.В ненормально холодной зиме и во время засухи, когда реки, впадающие в залив Фанди, сливаются, высота приливов не превышает 1 метр. https://www.tide-forecast.com/locations/Fundy-Offshore-1-Nova-Scotia/tides/latest Таблица: Зависимость амплитуды приливов залива Фанди от скорости потока на севере из залива Мэн. 1 км / ч - 5 м 5 км / ч - 10 м 10 км / ч - 15 м 15 км / ч - 20 м Средняя скорость течения на Ла-Манше: 12-13 км / ч около города Портленд. Великобритания, 15-18,5 км / ч на мысе Аг Франция. Максимальная высота приливов составляет 15 м (город Сен-Мало, Франция). https: /.../ m.youtube.com/watch?v=JdEkHGZMh8I https: /.../ m.youtube.com/watch?v=JNOpJxfI_Mg http://geosfera.org/evropa/718-la-mansh-proliv-mezhdu-angliey-i-franciey.html https: // m .youtube.com / watch? v = M44miAiHhrk «Лунный приливной ток», движущийся из Индийского океана с востока на запад, врезавшийся в восточный берег острова Мадагаскар, вопреки ожиданиям создает нулевые приливы. И аномально высокая приливная волна почему-то возникает между островом Мадагаскар и восточным побережьем Африки. Википедия объясняет это несоответствие отражением волн и тем фактом, что сила Кориолиса выполняет свою работу. И настоящей причиной этой непоследовательности является гигантский водоворот, вращающийся вокруг острова Мадагаскар со скоростью 9 км / ч и прецессирующий отражающий поток волн к восточному побережью Африки. https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Течение_мыса_Игольного https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Мозамбикское_течение http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/645fall2003_web.dir/ellie_boyce/ приливные% 20types% 20fig.gif Амплитуда приливов зависит от величины тока, скорости тока, направления тока, количества воды под током. The waters of the North Sea rotate counter-clockwise forming a huge whirlpool. And when seasonal northwesterly storm winds unleash a whirlpool (up to 20 km / h on the southern coast), the centrifugal force of the whirlpool increases, so that on the southern coast of the North Sea the water level rises to 5 meters. (Storm wave 2.5 meters, centrifugal wave 2.5 meters). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Sea_flood_of_1953
studiot Posted August 22, 2018 Posted August 22, 2018 (edited) The tides in the North Sea form a resonant system of standing waves or sich system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seiche In normal conditions, the nodes or amphidromic points are as in the second diagram. Note the normal tidal heights are up to 2m as I said except in a couple of narrow zones eg Dover Straight. Freak conditions don't count, except as freak. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphidromic_point My Russian is moe than a little rusty, I haven't learned any since I was 12. So please can we have the rest in English? Edited August 22, 2018 by studiot Image loaded wrong way up!
Fermer05 Posted September 3, 2018 Author Posted September 3, 2018 Coast of the peninsula Nova Scotia (Canada), from the east it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, in the west by the waters of the Bay of Fundy. The tidal wave on the peninsula moves from east to west. (at a speed of 1650 km per hour). The maximum height of the tides in the east of the peninsula is 1 meter, in the west of the peninsula is 20 meters (the Bay of Fundy). Why the height of the tides, in the west of the peninsula is 20 times more than in the east, but it should be all the opposite (where the logic is).http://www.gulfofmaine.org/ebm/toolkitsurvey/images/exec-sum-2.jpghttp://www.gulfofmaine-census.org/wp-content/images/circulation/fig4.jpghttp://www.gulfofmaine.org/ebm/toolkitsurvey/images/exec-sum-2.jpg -------------------------------------------- 1. Why the height of the tides in the White Sea is 100 times greater than in the Baltic Sea. The height of the tides in the Baltic Sea is 10 cm, and in the White Sea 10 meters.http://goo.gl/eYVTo6http://tapemark.narod.ru/more/22.png 2. The tidal current moves to the White Sea from the Atlantic Ocean. How. (trajectory, distance, travel time). a). As the flow moves, pulsates every 12 hours, or flows a continuous stream (eternal tide). b). As there is an ebb in the river Severnaya Dvina, if in the Northern Dvina, the eternal tidal current moves. at). What is the mechanism of transformation of the tidal current into a tidal wave. g). How much water to move in the tidal current. e). At what speed does the tidal current (km / h) move. (The distance to the throat of the Baltic Sea is 10 km, to the throat of the White Sea is 3000 km. The flow from the throat of the White Sea moves from south to north, at a speed of 1 km an hour).
Fermer05 Posted September 3, 2018 Author Posted September 3, 2018 1 hour ago, Fermer05 said: Побережье полуострова Новая Шотландия (Канада), с востока оно омывается водами Атлантического океана, на западе - водами залива Фанди. Приливная волна на полуострове движется с востока на запад. (со скоростью 1650 км в час). Максимальная высота приливов на востоке полуострова составляет 1 метр, на западе полуострова - 20 метров (залив Фанди). Почему высота приливов на западе полуострова в 20 раз больше, чем на востоке, но все должно быть наоборот (где логика). http://www.gulfofmaine.org/ebm/toolkitsurvey/images/exec-sum-2.jpg http://www.gulfofmaine-census.org/wp-content/images/circulation/fig4.jpg http: // www.gulfofmaine.org/ebm/toolkitsurvey/images/exec-sum-2.jpg-------------------------------------------- 1. Почему высота приливы в Белом море в 100 раз больше, чем в Балтийском море. Высота приливов в Балтийском море составляет 10 см, а в Белом море - 10 метров. http://goo.gl/eYVTo6 http://tapemark.narod.ru/more/22.png 2. Приливное течение перемещается в Белое море из Атлантического океана. Как. (траектория, расстояние, время в пути). а). По мере движения потока пульсирует каждые 12 часов или течет непрерывный поток (вечный поток). б). Так как в реке Северная Двина есть отлив, если в Северной Двине движется вечный поток приливов. в). Каков механизм трансформации приливного течения в приливную волну.г). Сколько воды нужно перемещать в приливных течениях. е). На какой скорости движется приливный ток (км / ч). (Расстояние до горла Балтийского моря составляет 10 км, до горла Белого моря - 3000 км. Поток из горла Белого моря перемещается с юга на север со скоростью 1 км в часThe distance from the Atlantic Ocean to the throat of the Baltic Sea is 10 km, to the throat of the White Sea 3000 km. Flow from the throat of the White Sea moves from south to north, at a speed of 1 km an hour).
Fermer05 Posted September 18, 2018 Author Posted September 18, 2018 On 03.09.2018 at 3:56 PM, Fermer05 said: Побережье полуострова Новая Шотландия (Канада), с востоком оно омывается водами Атлантический океан, на западе - водами залива Фанди. Приливная волна на полуострове движется с востока на запад. (со скоростью 1650 км в час). Максимальная высота приливов на востоке полуострова составляет 1 метр, на западе полуострова - 20 метров (залив Фанди). Почему высота приливов на западе полуострова в 20 раз больше, чем на востоке, но все должно быть наоборот (где логика). http://www.gulfofmaine.org/ebm/toolkitsurvey/images/exec-sum-2.jpg http://www.gulfofmaine-census.org/wp-content/images/circulation/fig4.jpg http: // www.gulfofmaine.org/ebm/toolkitsurvey/images/exec-sum-2.jpg------------------------------- ------------- 1. Почему высота приливы в Белом море в 100 раз больше, чем в Балтийском море. Высота приливов в Балтийском море составляет 10 см, а в Белом море - 10 метров. http://goo.gl/eYVTo6 http://tapemark.narod.ru/more/22.png 2. Приливное течение перемещается в Белое море из Атлантического океана. Как. (траектория, расстояние, время в пути). а). По мере движения потока пульсирует каждые 12 часов или течет непрерывный поток (вечный поток). б). Так как в реке Северная Двина есть отливы, если в Северной Двине движется вечный поток приливов. в). Каков механизм трансформации приливного течения в приливную волну. г). Сколько воды нужно перемещать в приливных течениях.е). На какой скорости движется приливный ток (км / ч). (Расстояние до горла Балтийского моря составляет 10 км, до горла Белого моря - 3000 км. Поток из горла Белого моря перемещается с юга на север со скоростью 1 км в час).
Fermer05 Posted September 29, 2018 Author Posted September 29, 2018 (edited) On 03.09.2018 at 3:56 PM, Fermer05 said: Along the equatorial zone, "tidal force" is everywhere the same, and there is no need to calculate it. (It can be conditionally aligned 1). The height of the tide depends on the shape of the gulf. (And the speed of the tidal wave is ridiculously small, and the filling time of the bay is too great).https://youtu.be/dU_Byg8AhKs In England, the "tidal power" is the same everywhere, and the height of the tides is different, why? Edited September 29, 2018 by Fermer05
Fermer05 Posted November 3, 2018 Author Posted November 3, 2018 About tidal force: For reference: "Tidal forces in nature - the statement that the center of the Earth is less attracted by the Moon than the surface of the Earth due to its remoteness." The degree of heterogeneity of the gravitational field of the Earth depends on the distance from the Center of the Earth to the Earth's surface. And the larger the radius of the planet, the greater the heterogeneity of the gravitational field. If tidal forces existed, then the pressure of water and air would certainly react to this, especially during the parade of the planets. Darwin and Laplace scattered with their research the belief that the Moon influences the barometer with its attraction.http://www.e-reading.mobi/chapter.php/87995/21/Voroncov-Vel'yaminov_-_Laplas.html Does the gravity of the moon create two atmospheric humps, at what speed does the air tidal hump move from east to west? Like cyclones and anticyclones manage to move from west to east, at a speed of 50 km / h, rubbing the surface of the continents while the lunar air tidal wave, moving from east to west at a speed of 1600km / h. Do two air tides form in the mountain cabin every day, does the speed and direction of the wind change, because moving the atmosphere is much easier than water? Also, there is no convincing evidence and facts, deformation of the Earth's continents under the action of tidal forces. Although the deformation of the continents can be easily checked by aiming with a telescope at the top of a mountain or at a geostationary satellite. Quite often, airplanes move along the equator toward the moon and against the moon when the sun is at the top and the tidal force would be noticed by pilots on fuel consumption and flight time .. It is believed that the maximum ebb and flow are in the new moon due to the fact that the Moon and the Sun act by gravity on the Earth in one direction. But in reality, the Moon revolves around the Earth, then it speeds up the slowing down of the Earth’s orbital speed, so that on a new moon, the Earth’s orbital speed is maximum, and in a full moon, the minimum, as a result, the amplitude of the tidal wave changes, which clearly shows and reacts with the globe . The gravity of the moon has no effect on the ebb and flow. The role of the moon is indirect, creating an uneven orbital velocity of the Earth .. Once a year, the Earth approaches the Sun as close as possible to the Sun (perihelion), and the orbital speed of the Earth increases as much as possible and as a result, the height of tides and ebbs increases, and the gravitational and centrifugal forces also increase in perihelion, but they are mutually balanced. The orbital velocity of the Earth at perihelion is 30.27 km / s and at aphelion 29.27 km / s. It is believed that the tidal forces stopped the rotation of the moon, and now it rotates synchronously. But there are more than 300 known satellites and why they all stopped at the same time and where did the force that rotated the satellites go ... If the "Lunar tidal current" existed, it would really quickly stop the rotation of the Earth, since enormous energy would be expended on the ebb and flow. And the energy of the western transfer of the atmosphere, which rotates the Earth, is not so high as to rotate and knead the Earth, like a concrete mixer .. Tidal forces today are successfully used as a plug from many secrets of nature. But in fact, they exist only theoretically, and in practice, not a single gravimetric device recorded them. The acceleration of gravity at the equator is less than at the poles: at the equator is 978 Gal, and at the poles - 983 Gal. There is no data on the fluctuation of tidal forces; if there were fluctuations, there would be data. Why in the phase of the new moon, the pendulum clock does not go slowly .. A geostationary satellite of the Earth speaking as part of the Earth is in weightlessness, at a distance of 35 thousand km. from the Earth, and for some reason, is not subject to tidal influence of the Moon, despite the fact that the "tidal force" in the Earth-satellite system is 5 times more than on Earth.https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geostationary_orbit If the oceans and continents that are under the satellite, the moon raises, "at 0.5 m, then the satellite which is in weightlessness, the moon should easily attract to itself, especially during the new moon, and the parade of planets. And it is not necessary to forget that the oceans and continents are attracted by the Earth, and the satellite is in weightlessness .. What theory or experiment proves that the gravity of the planets is infinite? The formula F = Gm1m2 / r2 does not prove that gravity is infinite. The law of the world says that the force of gravitational attraction between two material points is proportional to both masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton's_law_of_universal_gravitation And not a word about infinite gravity. If the gravity of the Earth reached the Sun, then the Earth would have burned down long ago. What will the formula of gravitational force look like if the gravity of the earth reaches no more than 50,000,000 km, and the moon 100,000 km?
beecee Posted November 3, 2018 Posted November 3, 2018 (edited) 12 hours ago, Fermer05 said: About tidal force: It is believed that the tidal forces stopped the rotation of the moon, and now it rotates synchronously. But there are more than 300 known satellites and why they all stopped at the same time and where did the force that rotated the satellites go ... Apologies if I misinterpret any of your rambling long post.....OK, the Moon of course is not the only satellite that is tidally locked to its mother planet...Charon is another and if I am not mistaken, so to some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. In fact with Charon, both bodies, that is Charon and Pluto are tidally locked to each other, which incidentally will also occur with the Earth/Moon system in around 5 billion years or so.....a scenario that will see an Earth day equal to the present Lunar month! [if we are still around to observe it] Quote And not a word about infinite gravity. Gravity falls off proportionally with regards to the mases of the bodies involved, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, so theoretically, yes it is infinite, but practically that Newtonian model, like all models have limitations and zones of applicability, so practically I would say, no gravity is not really infinite. Quote If the gravity of the Earth reached the Sun, then the Earth would have burned down long ago. What will the formula of gravitational force look like if the gravity of the earth reaches no more than 50,000,000 km, and the moon 100,000 km? Huh??? In perusing your lengthy posts, you seem to be asserting some form of pseudo alternative with regards to tidal gravitation. Can you please sum up in a sentence what you are claiming/asking or inferring? In the mean time here is some reputable material on tidal gravitation. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0736467995800131 http://web.science.mq.edu.au/~zucker/Astronomy_170_files/ASTR170_DZ_Lecture4.pdf http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0143-0807/36/6/065012/meta Weight, gravitation, inertia, and tides: Abstract: This paper deals with the factors that influence the weight of an object near the Earth's surface. They are: (1) the Earth's gravitational force, (2) the centrifugal force due to the Earth's diurnal rotation, and (3) tidal forces due to the gravitational field of the Moon and Sun, and other solar system bodies to a lesser extent. Each of these three contributions is discussed and expressions are derived. The relationship between weight and gravitation is thus established in a direct and pedagogical manner readily understandable by undergraduate students. The analysis applies to the Newtonian limit of gravitation. The derivation is based on an experimental (or operational) definition of weight, and it is shown that it coincides with the Earth's gravitational force modified by diurnal rotation around a polar axis and non-uniformity of external gravitational bodies (tidal term). Two examples illustrate and quantify these modifications, respectively the Eötvös effect and the oceanic tides; tidal forces due to differential gravitation on a spacecraft and an asteroid are also proposed as examples. Considerations about inertia are also given and some comments are made about a widespread, yet confusing, explanation of tides based on a centrifugal force. Finally, the expression of the potential energy of the tide-generating force is established rigorously in the appendix. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/tutorial_tides/tides02_cause.html "Tidal forces are based on the gravitational attractive force. With regard to tidal forces on the Earth, the distance between two objects usually is more critical than their masses. Tidal generating forces vary inversely as the cube of the distance from the tide generating object. Gravitational attractive forces only vary inversely to the square of the distance between the objects (Thurman, H.V., 1994). The effect of distance on tidal forces is seen in the relationship between the sun, the moon, and the Earth’s waters. Our sun is 27 million times larger than our moon. Based on its mass, the sun's gravitational attraction to the Earth is more than 177 times greater than that of the moon to the Earth. If tidal forces were based solely on comparative masses, the sun should have a tide-generating force that is 27 million times greater than that of the moon. However, the sun is 390 times further from the Earth than is the moon. Thus, its tide-generating force is reduced by 3903, or about 59 million times less than the moon. Because of these conditions, the sun’s tide-generating force is about half that of the moon (Thurman, H.V., 1994)". Edited November 3, 2018 by beecee
beecee Posted November 4, 2018 Posted November 4, 2018 It also seems you are posting your gibberish texts, word for word, on other forums too. And these exact texts and your erroneous conclusions thus, "The tides are the result of the rotation of the Earth and the whirlpools" are patently wrong and actually pseudo nonsense, as has been pointed out to you elsewhere.
Strange Posted November 4, 2018 Posted November 4, 2018 On 03/11/2018 at 6:56 AM, Fermer05 said: Darwin and Laplace scattered with their research the belief that the Moon influences the barometer with its attraction. Maybe you should look at more up-to-date sources. On 03/11/2018 at 6:56 AM, Fermer05 said: Does the gravity of the moon create two atmospheric humps, at what speed does the air tidal hump move from east to west? Yes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_tide#Lunar_atmospheric_tides On 03/11/2018 at 6:56 AM, Fermer05 said: Also, there is no convincing evidence and facts, deformation of the Earth's continents under the action of tidal forces. Yes there is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_tide On 03/11/2018 at 6:56 AM, Fermer05 said: Quite often, airplanes move along the equator toward the moon and against the moon when the sun is at the top and the tidal force would be noticed by pilots on fuel consumption and flight time .. Please show the mathematics to support this claim. ! Moderator Note Moved to Speculations. Please make sure you have read the rules for this forum: https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/86720-guidelines-for-participating-in-speculations-discussions/ In particular, the need to provide support for your claims. In your case this should include calculations of the size of effects and comparison with observation. On 03/11/2018 at 6:56 AM, Fermer05 said: If the "Lunar tidal current" existed, it would really quickly stop the rotation of the Earth, since enormous energy would be expended on the ebb and flow. Please show the calculations to support this claim.
Strange Posted May 8, 2019 Posted May 8, 2019 ! Moderator Note This thread is closed. Do not open another thread on this subject. 1
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