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Google Print


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Yesterday, I discovered a "new" service from the google.

It is the "google print".

It allows us to read some copyrighted books on the net.

For example, I desire to read a book related to the waves in physics.

A proper result is given out. http://print.google.com/print?id=narVkFUyJhIC&lpg=1&prev=http://print.google.com/print%3Fq%3Dphysics%26btnG%3DSearch%2Ball%2Bbooks%26ie%3DUTF-8&pg=2&sig=GNWqlS3QpKJnbSxPl3Mdc-n9JkU

However, I can't either download it and enlarge the text. I am quite unhappy about this.

Anyone knows how to do it?

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you make your resolution smaller, it should make the text bigger.

I am not able to reduce my monitor's resolution.

Any software aids it?

It is very trouble for me to read this book.


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