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I have been reading this library book, apart from the 4 pages removed by some previous reader.

A Map of the Invisible by Professor Jon Butterworth, University of London.

This little book should be read by all those coming here to propose new grand theories of anything.

Jon takes the reader through all the important aspects of modern Physics - Quantum theory, Special Relativity, General Relativity, Standard Model and beyond.

But he does it in such a way as to bring out the important Physics of the material.
The insights offered are stunningly crystal clear, as are the chains of reasoning behind the mathematics.

Yes, Mathematics is mentioned including some pretty advanced stuff such as the Dirac relativistic wave equation, Einstein's Field equations and group theory.
But these are all approached through Physics reasoning. The 'why it all fits together and works' stuff.
Jon is also prepared to illustrate what we didn't know in the past, what we don't know now but may know in the future.

The points and reasoning brought out include many oft forgot matters such as the different types of mass, the different types of force and so on.

His setting is a bit trite, but otherwise a masterpiece.



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