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Do you think string theory is based on a lie?


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I think I read that string theory predicts that all things are made up of strings at the subatomic level without any proof yet. Based on this simple prediction they have theorized a lot of mathematical proof for other theories. Is that true, it is all based on a single lie?

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27 minutes ago, Achilles said:

I think I read that string theory predicts that all things are made up of strings at the subatomic level without any proof yet. Based on this simple prediction they have theorized a lot of mathematical proof for other theories. Is that true, it is all based on a single lie?

You can call things what you like but ultimately their behaviour must connect and be consistent with what is observed even though you can't observe those things, like strings, directly. A theory either works or it doesn't and nobody supposes any working theory is a true mirror of nature in the final analysis but does bring us closer.. A lie is a wilful deception.

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2 minutes ago, Achilles said:

"consistent with what is observed even though you can't observe those things" I don't understand sorry

Any theory you come up with to explain something you can't observe, like strings, has to ultimately work consistently with the standard model, gravity etc. They can't just make ideas up in isolation.

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56 minutes ago, Achilles said:

Is that true, it is all based on a single lie?


But that doesn't make it the truth either.

Do you know the difference between an untruth and a lie?

Edited by studiot
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3 hours ago, Achilles said:

I think I read that string theory predicts that all things are made up of strings at the subatomic level

Actually, the strings concept is the starting point, not a prediction. In otherwise it is a working assumption or hypothesis. It is basically quantum field theory but using one-dimensional objects instead of point objects. This might not be too surprising as particles are described as wavefunctions in quantum field theory and strings vibrate!

As far as I understand it, it produces results that are compatible with quantum theory and GR but has not yet produced any testable results that could be used to show if it is a better model than either of those.

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