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Apart from pheromones, what kinds of signals are shared between two people who have...."chemistry"?

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In the spirit of my favorite .gif and meme (posted below)...  I've read a couple of pop science articles on the neurochemistry of love that all have some sort of headline along the lines of "Your Brain Is Tricking You Into a Weird Endogenous High". It seems like most of these articles are focused on how an individual experiences love and attraction alone, as a flood of endorphins in their own brain that are released in response to types of arousal. The sequel to this story that I want to hear--and perhaps someone can direct me to some studies-- is wether or not we truly experience this kind of thing alone. How does another body/mind respond to someone who is already experiencing this neurochemical soup? Basically, can love be contagious? and are pheromones really just a roll of the dice? 

I'm looking for articles and answers that look at love and attraction as a continuity between persons (two, or more even), rather than a neurochemical con job in which man is an island.  



4 hours ago, Beans1 said:

is wether or not we truly experience this kind of thing alone.

Only if the person you love is yourself, I guess.

Experiments I have seen suggest pheromones don't play much of a role in human behaviour (their functions have been largely replaced by language and facial expressions, I guess).

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