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  On 10/2/2018 at 10:40 AM, nimasafa said:

Hello everybody,

I wrote an article about black holes and dark material, And I would like that my article be reviewed by some professionals.

Many thanks in advane

Kind regards 

kol keyhan.docxFetching info...


Welcome to the forum. You have already broken several rules!

Also, I would recommend that people do NOT download a Word file from an unknown source. This is a serious security risk. You should post your idea here and, if necessary a PDF file to support it.

Anyway ...


In the Name of God


VERY bad start.

After a rambling and largely incomprehensible introduction to black holes we get to:


For example, electrons are converted to positive-charge electrons, and protons are converted to negatively charged protons.


Do you have any evidence or theory supporting this claim? (The correct answer is "no".)


Even the nature of the time and space that enters the Scycle Hull will also be reversed.


What is a Scycle Hull?


Perhaps it is difficult to understand how difficult it is to have positive-charge electrons or protons with a negative charge. Or at least how these basic particles can form materials.


It is not at all difficult. Anti-matter is well understood and even used in medicine and technology.


These new particles are the same particles of dark matter that remained mysterious to this day.


Nonsense. Antimatter interacts with light and with gravity in exactly the same way as normal matter. It has absolutely nothing in common with dark matter.

Also, if this antimatter was formed inside a black hole then it cannot escape and so cannot be the dar matter we see around us.


Because light waves and electromagnetic waves emanating from dark matter


The whole point is that dark matter does not emit light.


This is all in the first page. I can't be bothered to read any further. I doubt there is anything of value here.

  On 10/2/2018 at 10:40 AM, nimasafa said:

Hello everybody,

I wrote an article about black holes and dark material, And I would like that my article be reviewed by some professionals.

Many thanks in advane

Kind regards 

kol keyhan.docxFetching info...




Moderator Note

Rule 2.7 (emphasis added) states

Advertising and spam is prohibited. We don't mind if you put a link to your noncommercial site (e.g. a blog) in your signature and/or profile, but don't go around making threads to advertise it. Links, pictures and videos in posts should be relevant to the discussion, and members should be able to participate in the discussion without clicking any links or watching any videos. Videos and pictures should be accompanied by enough text to set the tone for the discussion, and should not be posted alone. Users advertising commercial sites will be banned.

IOW, you need to at least outline/summarize your discussion in the thread. Also, the safety issue raised about word documents is spot-on. 


Thank you so much for your reviews , and sorry for breaking roles, I'm pretty new here,
Now I understand where am I wrong and must learn much more .

Thank you again 

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