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Quantum like standard physics requires that the 2nd law of thermodynamics must be observed in order to have a model for retro causality. Thermal heat is transferred from a higher temperature energy to a lower temperature body, providing a clear causality in a forward linear progression into the future. Retro causality requires the opposite, a lower temperature body passing heat to a higher temperature body.   The 2nd law was used as a principle as to why time regression was not possible.  The following article points to an experiment where using quantum harmonic oscillators in two different temperature reservoirs  found that both reservoirs gained in temperature. This maybe an indication that energy was passed from the cooler reservoir to the higher temperature reservoir.
With this in mind, the universality of neutrino's indicates that all flavors of neutrinos are essentially the same but differ in oscillation rates., meaning neutrinos have the ability to switch flavors. This portends that different flavors of neutrinos may be the same sub elementary particle that merely is accommodating multiple particles in the same space/time location. When two electron neutrino share the same S/T location, their combined oscillations produce a Muon neutrino. When three neutrino shares the same S/T location, it becomes a Tau neutrino. This is a form of entanglement. When a Tau reverts back into a Muon, it releases an additional electron neutrino. Both Muon and electron neutrino maintain an entangled connection between the themselves. This connection is essentially a quantum harmonic oscillator connection. The muon neutrino is oscillating at a higher rate than the electron neutrino by virtue of having two electron neutrino sharing the same S/T location, but because they share an harmonic oscillating connection, energy can pass from the muon to the electron neutron neutrino  unimpeded by the 2nd thermal law.
This connection would theoretically make it possible to send data back in time, If a formerly entangled electron neutrino could be held in stasis while it's muon counterpart was allowed to proceed forward at the speed of light, any change in the muon's energy level would be reflected in the electron neutrino held in stasis, energy level.  In an ironic twist it would the future communicating with the present/pass. lol

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Because entropy production cannot be directly measured, the team first developed a theoretical framework to calculate entropy from energy. Then they used this framework to infer entropy production resulting from the energy exchange between the BEC and two heat reservoirs and between the cavity and two reservoirs. Measuring the energies of the two systems, they found that the entropy increased in both. The team studied these two systems because they both mathematically resemble coupled quantum harmonic oscillators in contact with two heat reservoirs. The team says that, in the future, they plan to monitor the entropy of both systems with finer time resolution in order to observe the systems as they approach steady state.

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