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Why should people missing 85 percent of an equation (dark matter)

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Posted (edited)
On 10/31/2018 at 10:01 PM, Menan said:

Dark energy and or matter are interchangeable terms because nether has been defined.  Claiming that the universe slowed and is now accelerating is not inferred form any evidence.  In reality it was slowing because the big bang was compared to a big explosion on Earth where the energy is reduced as the blast spreads outward, and people made a correlation.  Newer evidence shows the expansion speeding up, it was always speeding up even when no one knew.

Wrong: DM is certainly defined.


Also you would need to explain gravitational lensing by unseen matter.

DE is the term we apply to whatever it is that is responsible for the universe accelerating in its expansion rate...see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernova_Cosmology_Project and....


Further more the BB was not an explosion, rather simply just the evolution of space and time from t+10-43 seconds. Anything else you would like to make up?


Give me a million negative ratings, but you will all be dead before I am disproved.  If you think I need to be accepted by people who completed 15 percent of an equation think again.  Keep thinking because they are banging their heads and many are saying that we were wrong

In medical circles we may call your rant illusionary or delusionary thinking, or simply perhaps Delusions of grandeur. yes scientists do disgree on many things including DM and DE, but the vast majority hold a similar view according to the evidence. Those that don't, unlike you are at least educated in the sciences, instead of like you, choosing to be contrary for contrariness sake when in actual fact you have no idea.

Edited by beecee

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