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Not only have I lost my patience with all of this I'm debating it not only is what physicist are claiming these days but the point I'm at


This throws out gravity no really it does




I'm trying to develop a fourth primitive term to hilberts three primitive terms and well it's the logical next step


I'll post more if people want me to




To admin move there wherever you think it necessary 







Moderator Note

This may not be the site for you. Our rules state members should not be forced to go offsite or watch videos in order to participate in discussions. It's almost impossible to accurately quote bits from a video without replaying it over and over (and nobody has time for that).

If you can post your ideas in a better format for discussion, you can open another thread on this. Open it in Speculations, and support your ideas with evidence (because all the science you claim to refute has TONS of it).

This thread needs to be closed. Sorry.

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