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The Mercury vortex


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I am trying desperately to try and figure out anti-gravity as I'm sure many of you are so we're trying to figure out ways to spin Mercury because we've heard all about the Nazi Bell and mercury and it's mysterious properties. Sew-in short because I have little experience with this I will be doing everything I can to search the forums and starting this discussion of course to find out as much information as I can I do have a theory and a design but any information on this would be helpful. For instance does mercury need to be made into a ferrofluid in order to be rotated sufficiently the generator magnetic field. I have an idea using a sphere with a certain placement neodymium magnets to repeal the Mercury once it starts spinning. I'm not sure under what conditions Mercury generates a magnetic field but I know that it is diamagnetic and I think with enough speed it will become more magnetic placing a magnetic field around the Mercury I believe will help to push it in word towards the center of the sphere or the electrodes are supplying the current any help would be greatly appreciated. And if I have poor grammar in these posts it's because I'm using the speech recognition on my phone so please bear with me.

The picture below is accrued design I just sketched it out fairly quickly within a few seconds it was just an idea floating around in my head and I needed to get it on paper you kind of have to think of it in three dimensions in order to understand it what are your thoughts if you have any questions on the image for clarification please let me know.


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There is no such thing as anti-gravity.

If you are discussing diamagnets and magnetic fields, then you are looking at magnetic effects to counter gravity. It's not the same thing, unless e.g. an elevator is to be considered an antigravity device.

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1 hour ago, Strange said:

I really wish you hadn't used a capital M there. It makes it sound like a really daunting task. But probably easier than inventing anti-gravity.


Strictly speaking though sufficient negative mass would solve both problems.


 Should note only described as a mercury-like substance. Gallium is mercury-like and far safer.

Edited by Endy0816
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15 hours ago, swansont said:

There is no such thing as anti-gravity.

If you are discussing diamagnets and magnetic fields, then you are looking at magnetic effects to counter gravity. It's not the same thing, unless e.g. an elevator is to be considered an antigravity device.

Well I mean anti-gravity in the loosest term possible my experiment is in getting Mercury to a state in which it can be affected by magnetic fields spinning it changing its temperature Etc, I want to test it's viscosity at different temperatures and under different conditions since it is slightly magnetic but more diamagnetic I would like to see if it's possible to influence its motion with an external magnetic field but not in the sense where you spend it with magnetism. I want to support it in one place with a spherical magnetic field and then spin it with a current I know that low currents can spend it pretty quick, High currents can spend it even quicker but keeping it in one spot without friction and spinning it as fast as humanly possible using whatever means necessary, is what I'm going for. 

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10 hours ago, WarMachine said:

Well I mean anti-gravity in the loosest term possible my experiment is in getting Mercury to a state in which it can be affected by magnetic fields spinning it changing its temperature Etc, I want to test it's viscosity at different temperatures and under different conditions since it is slightly magnetic but more diamagnetic I would like to see if it's possible to influence its motion with an external magnetic field but not in the sense where you spend it with magnetism. I want to support it in one place with a spherical magnetic field and then spin it with a current I know that low currents can spend it pretty quick, High currents can spend it even quicker but keeping it in one spot without friction and spinning it as fast as humanly possible using whatever means necessary, is what I'm going for. 

Then it's a magnetic effect, so stop calling it anti-gravity.

Diamagnetism is well understood. You need a fairly strong field to see results for macroscopic objects.


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It seems that people are hell bent on telling me what is and isn't posable. We are supposed to learn and test new ideas not head into a forum convinced it's never going to work. I'm here to get your thoughts on anti gravity and how we might achieve that, whether it be through good science and research or complete accident that's the whole point. So I don't want to hear from any of you that it can't be done,  your bitter,  go find a fortnite game to troll if that's why your hear. That said let's experiment with new ideas.  You can tell me if you think it won't work just tell me why,  don't just say it and then leave.  I'm here to learn from a collective knowledge that wants to discover things.  

So! Can we start over. 


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28 minutes ago, WarMachine said:

It seems that people are hell bent on telling me what is and isn't posable. We are supposed to learn and test new ideas not head into a forum convinced it's never going to work. I'm here to get your thoughts on anti gravity and how we might achieve that, whether it be through good science and research or complete accident that's the whole point. So I don't want to hear from any of you that it can't be done,  your bitter,  go find a fortnite game to troll if that's why your hear. That said let's experiment with new ideas.  You can tell me if you think it won't work just tell me why,  don't just say it and then leave.  I'm here to learn from a collective knowledge that wants to discover things.  

So! Can we start over. 


Usable ideas develop from existing knowledge, not in a vacuum. Anything else is science fiction.

Edited by StringJunky
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20 hours ago, Strange said:

I really wish you hadn't used a capital M there. It makes it sound like a really daunting task. But probably easier than inventing anti-gravity.


I was thinking he meant the planet the whole time, and I'm sitting here like "Hmmmm...... No...... That doesn't make sense. .....What's he talking about there? ....Why would that do that?....What?...... That drawing better not be to scale......."


15 hours ago, WarMachine said:

Well I mean anti-gravity in the loosest term possible my experiment is in getting Mercury to a state in which it can be affected by magnetic fields spinning it changing its temperature Etc,

It's not really anti-gravity if you want to make it float with magnetism. Then it's just magnetism, so let's refer to it like that.

15 hours ago, WarMachine said:

I want to test it's viscosity at different temperatures and under different conditions since it is slightly magnetic but more diamagnetic I would like to see if it's possible to influence its motion with an external magnetic field but not in the sense where you spend it with magnetism.

So you want to spin it with magnetism but not by spinning it with magnetism? I feel like that's contradictory.

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1 hour ago, WarMachine said:

We are supposed to learn and test new ideas

So, what have your leant about how gravity works, and what might make antigravity possible?

From your studies, what makes you think that some kind of mercury vortex (whatever that means) will be useful?

1 hour ago, WarMachine said:

I'm here to get your thoughts on anti gravity

Current science says that it is not possible. Feel free to reject that, but you said you wanted to learn.

If you just want to make stuff up, knock yourself out but don't expect a lot of support from a science forum.

1 hour ago, WarMachine said:

 You can tell me if you think it won't work just tell me why

Well, you have been told that you are discussing magnetism, not gravity. So it has, by definition, nothing to do with antigravity. (Unless by "antigravity" you mean any technology that can counteract gravity such as a rope or a shelf.)


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