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Hi so a few questions,

What are the properties of macromolecules e.g. melting point, electricity conductivity, malleability, hardness, solubility in water

Also are covalent molecules malleable? 

Do covalent networks conduct electricity in liquid state?



  • Strange changed the title to Macromolecule properties
8 hours ago, parkersarah75 said:

What are the properties of macromolecules e.g. melting point, electricity conductivity, malleability, hardness, solubility in water

It depends on the specific molecule


8 hours ago, parkersarah75 said:

What are the properties of macromolecules

'Macromolecules' cover a huge range of materials that have 'large molecules'. It is too broad a term to assign any specific property to.  

If you have a specific macromolecule in mind or a type then maybe we can give typical properties for such a molecule.  It's like asking 'what are the properties of polymers'? - The range is too broad and the properties will also have a broad range. (as Strange has said above - it depends on the specific molecule).


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