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Can someone on a lab perform the double slit experiment counting the hits as specified below please, I am certain this is the solution, 

Where tpf = total photons fired
hfw = hits on front wall
hbw = hits on back wall
If we assume a certain percent of photons always get through the slits say 10% then if 1000 photons are fired
When recorded to see which slit they pass through the amount of hits will be
tpf1000 = 900hfw +100hbw 
When not recorded to see which slits the photons pass through
tpf1000 = 900hfw +100hbw+2(900)hbw  or
tpf1000  = 900hfw +100hbw+3(900)hbw or
tpf1000 = 900hfw +100hbw+5(900)hbw or
tpf1000 = 900hfw +100hbw+7(900)hbw
Etc depending how far back the back wall is
Showing the extra photons are arriving at the back wall in different time dimension when not recording which slit the photon is passing through.

I give a full explanation as to why this is happening and why it indicates different time dimensions on my website doubleslitsolution.weebly.com

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