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In his chapter 26, volume 2 ( http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/II_26.html ), Feynman produces an equation that, I guess, shows the x-component of the electric field of a moving point charge... equation (26.6).


He then says that the electric field of a moving charge is 'oblate': its parallel field being somewhat weaker, while its perpendicular field being somewhat stronger. Fine.

In the same chapter, further below, he makes a table of Lorentz transformation of fields (table 26-2):


I would expect the two results match, but I don't see how. According to the transformation table, the x-component of the electric field of a moving point charge should remain unchanged (E'x=Ex), yet according to equation (26.6) the x-component weakens a bit. What am I getting wrong?

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