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Star…………………….Type………………Mass Sun=1……Temperature °K

EZ Canis Majoris..WN3-hv………….19…………………..89.100

Centaurus X-3………O……………….20.5 ± 0.7………….39.000

η Canis Majores…..B…………………19,19……………….15.000

HD 21389…………….A…………………19,3………………….9.730

Kappa Pavonis……..F………………..19 – 25…………..5,250 - 6,350

V382 Carinae……….G…………………20…………………5,866

S Persei……………….M…………………20……………….3.000-3.600

DH Tauri b..Planet; dist. 330 AU..12 M Jupiter….2.750

HIP 78530 b..Planet; dist. 740 AU..24 M Jup…….2.700 (2.800)



galaxies....................type galaxies................Speed of galaxies

Fast-rotating galaxies

RX J1131-1231..........quasar.................half the speed of light

Spindle galaxy.......elliptical galaxy.......significant amount of rotation around axis“

NGC 6109………..Lenticular Galaxy……..40 ± 8 rad m−2


Contrary to: Slow Rotation

Andromeda………….spiral galaxy…………..225 km/s

UGC 12591…………..spiral galaxy…………..500 km/s,

Milky Way……………spiral galaxy……………210 ± 10 (220 km/s Sun)



Galaxies…………………….type of galaxies……………….speed of galaxies

Large galaxies (fast-rotating)

APM 08279+5255…….elliptical galaxy………………..giant elliptical galaxy [25]

Q0906 + 6930…………..blazar……………………………..the most distant known blazar

OJ 287 BL…………………Lacertae object………………..the largest known objects

S5 0014 + 81……………blazar……………………………….giant elliptical galaxy

H1821 + 643…………...quasar……………………………..the most massive black hole

Contrary to: Dwarf galaxies (fast-rotating)

Messier 110………….elliptical galaxy…………………dwarf elliptical galaxy

Messier 32…………."early-type"……………………….dwarf "early-type" galaxy

NGC 147………………spheroidal galaxy………………dwarf spheroidal galaxy

NGC 185……………..spheroidal galaxy………………dwarf spheroidal galaxy


The topic was approved by judges. I hope it will not immediately end up on the black list.

3 hours ago, Weitter Duckss said:

 The topic was approved by judges.  


Moderator Note

I don't know what this means, but it just appears to be tables of information. What is the science you wish to discuss?

7 hours ago, Weitter Duckss said:

I hope it will not immediately end up on the black list.

This is a discussion forum. You've already made the black list by NOT giving us an opening post that invites discussion. 

What do you want to talk about? 


Topic is: Effects of Rotation Around the Axis (with evidence from multiple databases).

Judges of „American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics“, Author Weitter Duckss.

I want to see your (personal) opinion on the subject. Please, use proof in the debate. Avoid theories and hypotheses.

34 minutes ago, Weitter Duckss said:

Topic is: Effects of Rotation Around the Axis (with evidence from multiple databases).

What effects of rotation are you referring to? All you've done is post tables of information.

34 minutes ago, Weitter Duckss said:

Judges of „American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics“, Author Weitter Duckss.

Judges? For a journal? Do you mean peer review?

If they approved something, give us a link to the paper.

34 minutes ago, Weitter Duckss said:

I want to see your (personal) opinion on the subject. Please, use proof in the debate. Avoid theories and hypotheses.

You haven't posted anything about which we could form an opinion. (and personal opinions are inappropriate. Science discussion.)

(You aren't going to get many more chances to clarify what we are to discuss)

1 hour ago, Weitter Duckss said:

Judges of „American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics“, Author Weitter Duckss.

Presumably because you paid them. This is not a reputable journal.


The discussion did not start as a discussion.

Tables of the topic are sufficient for discussion. It should be read as text (with proofs).

I. Bodies of the same mass are found in all classes (from O to M). The height of the temperature is not dependent on mass, bodies (planets) with mass 12 M Jup. achieve autonomously high temperatures (they do not reflect only the radiation).

II and III. The speed of rotation regulates the systems and their appearance. Etc.


1 hour ago, Weitter Duckss said:

The discussion did not start as a discussion.

Tables of the topic are sufficient for discussion. It should be read as text (with proofs).

No, it's not.

"Andromeda………….spiral galaxy…………..225 km/s" is simply information. It does not foster discussion

1 hour ago, Weitter Duckss said:

I. Bodies of the same mass are found in all classes (from O to M). The height of the temperature is not dependent on mass, bodies (planets) with mass 12 M Jup. achieve autonomously high temperatures (they do not reflect only the radiation).

II and III. The speed of rotation regulates the systems and their appearance. Etc.


You could post the abstract and point to the desired discussion, but it needs to take place here, not via links. But I will note that about 2/3 of the references are to your own work, and given that one heading is "Demolition Hubble's law, Big Bang the basis of "modern" and ecclesiastical cosmology" then it would likely belong in speculations, and you will be required back up your assertions. 

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