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The way mind processes data reflects in its offspring, the computer.
However, the coordination capabilities of latter improve continuously, whereas mind seems to have problems handling the increase of external & internal, objective & subjective data.
More often than not, this is blamed on its hardware, i.e. the physiological aspects, yet rarely on the programs that coordinate the data, despite that many of them are obviously outdated, inefficient, hijacked by emotions and/or malwares which question the capabilities and sometimes even deny the functions of mind, thus impeding the possibility to repair & update its software.
But to alter something requires knowledge and understanding of its structures and dynamics – in this case of the mind. Lamentably, the mind of Sapiens knows more about molecules and galaxies than about itself. Not because Self-knowledge is an impossible task – after all everyone spends a lifetime with/in his/her mind – but because of millennia of systematic self-denial and subjection to external, superior, eternal etc powers called god, fate and whatever else seems suitable to cover up a lack of Self-responsibility.
Admittedly, Self-response-ability can be a pain in the butt – yet it can also be a blessing, as it may entail the realisation that all (external/internal/subjective/objective) phenomenon are interrelated - and coordinated by/in the mind.


We know a LOT about the human mind, despite not knowing everything. And I disagree about not being able to adapt (you used a really limited computer analogy that's bound to lead to sloppy thinking). The human brain is one of the most adaptable on the planet when it's given valid information.

I would challenge you to learn more about the functions of our minds, since you're basically criticizing religion and science without offering anything more detailed to replace them (that we process our explanations of various phenomena through the brain isn't a big revelation).

2 hours ago, rumpelstilzchen said:

But to alter something requires knowledge and understanding of its structures and dynamics – in this case of the mind.

This assertion can be shown false. I can bump a vase accidentally, altering it in several ways during the process, without any knowledge of the object whatsoever.

4 hours ago, rumpelstilzchen said:

But to alter something requires knowledge and understanding of its structures and dynamics – in this case of the mind. Lamentably, the mind of Sapiens knows more about molecules and galaxies than about itself. Not because Self-knowledge is an impossible task – after all everyone spends a lifetime with/in his/her mind – but because of millennia of systematic self-denial and subjection to external, superior, eternal etc powers called god, fate and whatever else seems suitable to cover up a lack of Self-responsibility.

I'm surprised by this feeling. We know a lot about our minds, and we have always wanted to.

We have made a lot of breakthroughs in this domain. The social psychology or more recently the neurobiology gave us a lot of information on it. Sometimes those informations have misused (neuromarketing), but we still want to know how we are working.

Even in philosophy we did try to understand the human mind (Freud was wrong about everything or close, but he tried to figure it out.).

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