rumpelstilzchen Posted October 7, 2019 Posted October 7, 2019 The following is based on the supposition that unity comprises multiplicity in order to realize itself. The interaction of unity and multiplicity is called ConsciousNess and regarded as an inter-extrapolation that relates in a viewpoint which manifests ConsciousNess.* * (The particular spelling is to emphasize the relativity of Conscious: purposeful, aware – and Ness: being, existence) In 2750, an Egyptian priest of Ptah paraphrased it like this: “The seeing of the eyes, the hearing of the ears and the breathing of the nose report to the mind; the mind is the centre of cognition, the tongue expresses the cognized” – and since this cognition consists of a reflection & projection, the priest added – “thus gods are made”. The Egyptians called the cognition Hoor Paar Kraat (Horus the Child) and its Reflection & Projection Isis & Osiris. This relativity, or state of ConsciousNess, did apparently not suffice, as they reflected & projected Isis & Osiris with Nephtys & Seth, setting off a contrary Reflection/Projection (R/P) dynamic, wherein Horus became the arbiter of its pole positions – or field limits – and thus an intermediate viewpoint. Cultures subjected to this contrary R/P dynamic, called it a war of gods. In the Egyptian version, Seth divided Osiris and claimed his throne – or pole position – which put him into opposition to Horus, who joined (wed) his “mother” Isis. With the son of this marriage the entire process repeated itself – that is: the contrary R/P field and its intermediate viewpoint were doubled and turned into an eight-pole R/P dynamic which filled the Egyptian pantheon with numerous Horus (& Osiris) variants. The history of Egyptian ConsciousNess (or religion) demonstrates, that it was henceforth governed by attempts to restrain this division-multiplication process through a 9th pole (or god) –which might have been the first monopolistic (or monotheistic) attempt to transform the intermediate into an absolute viewpoint – in order to fix the pole positions and thus inhibit the creation of additional R/P fields and viewpoints. It is not known if the priests realized that thereby they fixed the contraries too, or if they feared losing their prosperous pantheon-managements, when they exiled this so called “Aton” to (or with) the Israeli tribes, whom he henceforth ruled under the term JHVH. And it was the son (Jesus) of this (four-poled) contrary R/P field, whose (cross-shaped) coordinate got established in the Hellenic time/space, where it became a principal pattern for the formation of the Occident. The R/P patterns of the Egyptians and the ancient Greeks were similar, except that the Greeks established four intermediary viewpoints and thus a contrary field within contrary fields, which brought about a R/P mode that was to become renown as rationalism (after the Latin ratio = calculation) and to give birth to the philosophers and geometricians who separated the fields and assigned one to psyche and one to soma (mind & matter), turning them into the cornerstones of a polarisation-dynamic that was going to shape – with the help of religion and science – the occidental cultures. In 1904 appeared LIBER AL VEL LEGIS. LAL reveals that when Dualisms reach their (linear) limits, a (non-linear) inter/extrapolation takes place which forms the selfcomplementary R/P relativity of Selfconsciousness. The Inter/Extrapolation of its R/P-equations (for convenience sake numbered 2-8, 3-7, 4-6) is envisioned spherical and depicted as the following: The R/P poles interrelate in 3 phases: 4~6 cognition 3~7 understanding and 2~8 (Self) knowledge - 5 marks the Point of View, O the circumference and 1-1 (LAL eleven) the R/P equation of SelfConsciousNess. In LAL it is called a star, embodying a microcosm which relates a macrocosm. Macrocosm is the inter/extrapolation-sphere of stars, or microcosms. The force of their inter/extrapolation is Love under Will.
Hrvoje1 Posted October 8, 2019 Posted October 8, 2019 Or humor. That bloke is real Sacha Baron Cohen of, he and Farid.
Strange Posted October 8, 2019 Posted October 8, 2019 ! Moderator Note There is no basis for discussion in this. Do not bring this up again (whatever it was).
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