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A study of the electromagnetic field using a ferro cell and magnets in sun light.

i was able to discover many sides of the electromagnetic field using this method.how magnets work,how rainbows are truly formed by the field,due to release of the electromagnetic field,ley lines and a type of electromagnetic solenoid which is shown as a red spot.this helps the field turn sharply.it also gives us a better understanding of gravity itself.






Moderator Note

I've moved this to speculations. You need to post some science — a model to be tested, predictions, or evidence in support of a conjecture. Of course, there would need to be a conjecture, too.

This is a discussion board. "I've discovered X" along with a few pictures is something that can go on your blog. 

1 hour ago, Leyton glover said:

it also gives us a better understanding of gravity itself.

Hello. Can you describe, in some detail, the improved understanding of gravity? 


Hello,I have no scientific qualifications,I’m merely a amateur with a keen interest.im hoping that my post might hold some merit that a more in-depth study maybe undertaken by professionals.as for the insight into the gravitational field I noticed between the two magnets,always at the center ,there seems to be a 180 degree twist in the field line.when I bring the magnets together the electromagnetic field line begins to untwist due to the pull of the magnets.the electromagnetic field line separates into two lines,then the into three,is this the dipole moment?.could this be a negative,positive and a live type of arrangement in the electromagnetic field.I’m not trying to make any claims,it’s just I don’t have the knowledge to truely understand what I see in my own studies and believe people here do.im sorry but my camera was not able to pick this detail up so here’s a quick sketch.

Many thanks leyton 


On 11/13/2019 at 11:05 AM, swansont said:

Moderator Note

I've moved this to speculations. You need to post some science — a model to be tested, predictions, or evidence in support of a conjecture. Of course, there would need to be a conjecture, too.

This is a discussion board. "I've discovered X" along with a few pictures is something that can go on your blog. 


Ok thankyou 


You might be better served learning the established physics rather than postulating new ideas.

The "twist" of the magnetic field follows certain rules, which you can write down as integrals or differential equations. You need to be familiar with these (Maxwell's equations) in order to apply them.


41 minutes ago, Leyton glover said:

.as for the insight into the gravitational field I noticed between the two magnets,always at the center ,there seems to be a 180 degree twist in the field line.

Can you explain how you are measuring the "twist" in this "field line"?

I assume this might have something to do with the images in your first post, but as I have no ides what they are photos of they don't explain anything. (They appear to be "caustics" or some other effect of light being reflected from a metallic surface)

There are a great many reasons why it is obvious there is no connection between magnetism and gravity (despite some analogies between them). For example, gravity affects (and is created by) uncharged and unmagnetised objects. (Note that charge and magnetism are the same underlying phenomenon, electromagnetism, and the (special) theory of relativity explains the connection; meanwhile, the (general) theory of relativity also explains gravity as a different phenomenon.) Also, charge/magnetism has two values (+/-, N/S) and therefore repels as well as attracts. Gravity is purely attractive. Gravity is proportional to mass, not charge. We can block electromagnetism but not gravity. Trying to explain the attractive forces between more than two bodies in terms of electromagnetism rapidly leads to logical contradictions.


Hello,my apologies for not explaining my photos.the photos shown are taken in sun light through a ferro cell.the cells made with two pieces of glass with ferro fluid and wd40 mix between.this fluid is magnetic and follows the field lines.the suns rays then can be studied and even broken down into the triple point.as I move the magnets over the ferro cell the center twist point always stays the same over changing distances,until the magnets get close and the field line starts to untwist.i see how I’ve confused the magnetic field with the gravitational field as they are closely related.could you tell me what the triple lines are in the electromagnetic field that I witnessed on the ferro cell,or is this a new development.thankyou for you educated reply as it is of great value to me in understanding      And learning more.

i have a short clip of what looks like some sort quantum spin in the electromagnetic field aswell.i would be grateful of your opinion of this,if I’m able to post it.

thanks again

Ferro cell,electrodynamics

best to pause and slide image along for best view.as can’t post full clip.

Hello,would be very grateful of a opinion to the dynamics shown 

many thanks 

29 minutes ago, Leyton glover said:

i have a short clip of what looks like some sort quantum spin in the electromagnetic field aswell.i would be grateful of your opinion of this,if I’m able to post it.

I have no idea what these images are showing, but I am pretty sure it is not "some sort quantum spin." 


Hello,my apologies for not explaining my photos.the photos shown are taken in sun light through a ferro cell.the cells made with two pieces of glass with ferro fluid and wd40 mix between.this fluid is magnetic and follows the field lines.the suns rays then can be studied and even broken down into the triple point.as I move the magnets over the ferro cell the center twist point always stays the same over changing distances,until the magnets get close and the field line starts to untwist.i see how I’ve confused the magnetic field with the gravitational field as they are closely related.could you tell me what the triple lines are in the electromagnetic field that I witnessed on the ferro cell,or is this a new development.thankyou for you educated reply as it is of great value to me in understanding      And learning more.

i have a short clip of what looks like some sort quantum spin in the electromagnetic field aswell.i would be grateful of your opinion of this,if I’m able to post it.

thanks again

5 minutes ago, Leyton glover said:

 i see how I’ve confused the magnetic field with the gravitational field as they are closely related. 

Not so much, no.


Hello thanks for your reply,I’ve no idea either.do you think it maybe the so called pseudo sphere in a chain,as per light,of dielectric inertia.as shown in picture.


Thankyou swansont,i will stop posting and educate myself in this field.i was just keen to learn more and now realise I’m posting on the wrong site.i shall drop to the bottom run as it were and hopefully reach the point needed to discuss a more educated and scientific post in the future.

my apologies for any disturbance caused 

3 hours ago, Leyton glover said:

i see how I’ve confused the magnetic field with the gravitational field as they are closely related

Ok! So discussion is purely related to electromagnetic concepts. 


2 hours ago, Leyton glover said:

i will stop posting and educate myself in this field.

A better way of educating yourself may be to do the opposite: continue posting. Start posting questions about current models and theories in mainstream sections of the forum, there is a great chance that members will provide both good answers and references to other sources (books or online). 



thankyou,that’s encouraging.

after more study I believe I have a better understanding of the field.it would great if you could pass on your skilled opinion.

i think it maybe related to force on a charge in a magnetic field.

by applying pressure on and off to the magnet,i was able to force more electrons from the magnet into the suns electromagnetic field line.the parallel velocity does not effect the field line,so the charges spiral along the field line.when the strength increases,(applying pressure on the magnet)more electrons are released.the field then exerts a force to slow the charges,forming the geometry of the so called pseudo sphere.

is this the same action seen in particle accelerators and the auroras.

the magnetic force supply’s the centripetal force to cause a charged particle to move in a circular motion.

thankyou again

3 hours ago, Leyton glover said:

There is a quote from Tesla that’s very interesting.”my greatest discovery was the rotating electromagnetic field”.

Well, a rotating magnetic field is very useful.


In the short video clip the dust(?) particles are moving so the glass pane is not stationary relative to the camera. It is not possible to tell if effects are from moving the glass or if pressure is squeezing the wd40 mix or if other effects are shown.
Note that the magnet does not affect light (if that is what you suggest).

On 11/16/2019 at 12:45 PM, Leyton glover said:

by applying pressure on and off to the magnet,i was able to force more electrons from the magnet into the suns electromagnetic field line.

I'm not sure I follow, you squeezed the magnet and the magnet got positive a charge? How?
Please try to clarify and to back up your claims.

On 11/16/2019 at 12:45 PM, Leyton glover said:

is this the same action seen in particle accelerators and the auroras.

Can you explain why you think that?


On 11/15/2019 at 2:14 PM, Leyton glover said:

Hello thanks for your reply,I’ve no idea either.do you think it maybe the so called pseudo sphere in a chain,as per light,of dielectric inertia.as shown in picture.

You don't give a source for this image but, from what I can read of the text, it would appear to be some sort of pseudo-scientific idea.


I get the impression that your ideas seem to have been influenced by a text called "The Secrets of Magnetism". If so, I encourage you to throw that book away and study some basic physics instead. There are a lot of good online resources for learning about how magnets, light and electricity really work, without resorting to works of fiction like that (to be as positive as I can about it).

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