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Brain EMF(electromagnetic field) emissions and EEG

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  1. how do you block the EMF emissions coming out of the brain?

  2. can EMF emissions from the brain of person can be converted back to information inside his brain(thought, emotions or EEG/Evoked potentials)

  3. is patent US3951134A of Robert G. Malech ( https://patents.google.com/patent/US3951134A/en ) applicable in real life or is it just theory and no one ever implemented it? any way, do you see any weaknesses or limitation in his ideas? can the interference wave generated by the brain be blocked or interfered with ? how does the interference wave can remain strong and not weaken or how does the system deal with noise added to the wave sent by the brain?

  4. how do I make the body less of an antenna? I understand that heavy metal cleansing will make the body having less property of a battery(electro-chemical property) which means less reactive or influence by radiation and less of a power source to external waves and signals , am I right here? more ideas except heavy metal cleansing?


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