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16 minutes ago, swansont said:

Moderator Note

Discussion on the definition of electricity has been split




Thank you for that.


Lost amongst the split this post of mine  is directed @FlamingoMan original problem.



Thinking further about this, you do need to know more about the circumstances.


On 12/16/2019 at 11:46 PM, FlamingoMan said:

We are doing a project on static electricity that is being built up from running on a treadmill. We have to build an invention using the idea of a lightning rod to get rid of the static charge (in other words kill the charge). We want to kill the charge because the person is getting shocked.


Do I understand that this is a theoretical exercise, not a practical one from these answers?


I ask because appropriate action depends upon where the person being shocked.

1) where the person acquires the charge

2) Where that person is being shocked by the discharge


As you pointed out it is very common for (some) people to aquire a charge through friction rubbing against clothing, carpets etc.

So I am assuming that this friction is when the person is running on the treadmill.

Subsequently the person either grabs a metal bar on the running machine and is shocked.
Or walks off, carrying the charge with him, and is subsequently shocked when he touches something metal, say the locker cabinet.


Earthing the bar on the running machine will not help with either of these situations, nor will sweeping up the opposite charge from the moving running platform.
Indeed the exposed metalwork may already be earthed.

In these circumstance the discharge has to take place somehow and so the action required is to limit the discharge current to a level where it is not noticeable.

Too slow the discharge down (thus limiting the current) you can interpose a partly conductive material (eg a wet towel) or if the discahrge is to a metal bar on the machine then wrap a permanent conductive foam layer round part of the bar for grabbing onto before touching the bare metal.


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