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Reduce Stable Matching Problem through XOR scure sharing: Example required

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I am reading the following paper:

Toward Practical Secure Stable Matching: https://encrypto.de/papers/RSSSK17.pdf.


According to the paper:



We can make the process of stable matching secure by utilizing Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) protocols. SFE allows to evaluate a function on private inputs from multiple parties where each party wants to keep her own inputs private. 

and at other place:


Secure SM is inherently a multiparty SFE problem where multiple parties provide their inputs. However, we use a known technique based on XOR-secret-sharing that translates this problem into two-party SFE.

Somebody please provide me an example for this model i.e reducing from multiparty data into 2-party data.

A very good link is:






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