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Originally posted by quack

I'm new to posting here, but I've been lurking for a while.. and I havent seen fafalone post <i>anything</i> productive. Does he know anything? I'm just curious how qualified he is to ridicule others.


Check his profile.

Originally posted by quack

I'm new to posting here, but I've been lurking for a while.. and I havent seen fafalone post <i>anything</i> productive. Does he know anything? I'm just curious how qualified he is to ridicule others.


Lately I've been too busy to post much productive stuff, but I'd have a look at the first news story on the main page for starters. Then try reading through older threads, which you should have already done as to not make yourself look ignorant.


Ok, Fafalone, I'm not as ignorant as you may think...I thought over the thories I posted here for days, weeks, months even...just so I could prove the are the most logical theories I have ever heard. My age makes no diffrence in the matter...I can prove every point I have previously stated in the subjects of quantum physics, and cosmology...So don't cal me ignorant...unlike some, I know what I I'm talking about...


Go ahead, prove it. Just because you think you're following logic doesn't mean your logic is correct. And don't waste your time "proving" things without laying down the math, because the universe certainly does not follow anything resembling normal logic.

And if you can mathematically prove the crap you're spewing, go kick Hawking out of the Lucasian Chair or win any prestigious and then come back here.


Even if my logic is incorrect....what makes you think yours is?....My logic, mathmatics, and "proof" are just as good as yours.....I can prove anything just s good as you, or anyone for that matter....... And if you wish for me to prove it, then I will........


Saying "my logic and mathematics are just as good as yours" is completely invalid.


If you are using them correctly, then your application of them and the results you get should be exactly the same as anybody else who is using logic and maths.


Its stupid to argue whos smarter or whos got a higer IQ, remember knowing maths doesnt make you a better person! Ok maybe on this forum it does, but nobody should think they are more worth than other less intelligent people!


Hey frostyburn I realy think this isnt the best place to persue a higer education!


Where I live we learn at school (something like your high school) the same material as you in college, maybe even more.


Hey its nothing personal, but if the kid is on hormons give him a break, he is just trying to expand his imaggination.


As you can see my english isnt very good so I hope you wont hate me for that.


As for you KHinfcube22, try to acquire some baisic knowledge before asking (I always look for it, so i dont end up as a total ignorant) after all this is a serious forum!

Originally posted by The dark lord

Its stupid to argue whos smarter or whos got a higer IQ, remember knowing maths doesnt make you a better person! Ok maybe on this forum it does, but nobody should think they are more worth than other less intelligent people!


Hey frostyburn I realy think this isnt the best place to persue a higer education!


Where I live we learn at school (something like your high school) the same material as you in college, maybe even more.


Hey its nothing personal, but if the kid is on hormons give him a break, he is just trying to expand his imaggination.


As you can see my english isnt very good so I hope you wont hate me for that.


As for you KHinfcube22, try to acquire some baisic knowledge before asking (I always look for it, so i dont end up as a total ignorant) after all this is a serious forum!


Your absolutely right....Ones inteligence is not ones worth.....I'm sorry Fafalone....I'm sorry for being arrogent, (I know my spelling is astrocious....).....and I'm sorry for anything else I have done to offend you......Can you forgive me?.....and I think its annoying to know some of the basic stuff, so I skip straight up to learning the complex stuff....I understand what I learn, but get confused when something basic pops up.....I'll try harder.........

Originally posted by KHinfcube22

I never said they were the same, I said they were just as good.....theres a diffrence....

That was my point, you flaming great... AAAAARRRGGGHHH$%£%£%£!!!!!!111112
Originally posted by KHinfcube22

Even if my logic is incorrect....what makes you think yours is?


Which logic?


Are we talking about established science?


That's not my logic alone, that's the logic of the entire scientific establishment (to a degree).


Oh, and prove you're better at maths than me. That may be rather hard, as you're quite far behind where I was at your age.


You have no clue to what my mathmatical skills are, unless you are some kind of super psycick, (I say I'm sorry for all my spelling erors, but I seem to have lost my speller), and what I meant is that I can find mathmatics that can prove my stuff, just as, ok maybe not just as, but pretty close, ok maybe not that either, but I can find mathmatics can prove my theories if given time.... I agree that you are way more intelligent MrL, and your expirence is much greater than mine, and most likely you do know what you are talking about, and some of my theories make absolutly no sense to those who are expirenced.......I will try harder to make theories based on knowledge of previous scientist.....

  • 1 month later...

that was some of the funniest stuff i've read in a while. how could you exploit his computers errors and mistake them for his? What's that? Oh, It was easy? Ok then. Seriously, I was at work laughing to myself for like 15 minutes at what fafalone typed. if my co-workers didnt already think I was deranged, they do now. :P

Originally posted by KHinfcube22

You have no clue to what my mathmatical skills are, unless you are some kind of super psycick


Just an educated guess.

  • 3 weeks later...

well, has anyone actually tried answering the post?


look, life originated at the same time, or so our dear scientists telll us.

in that case, man and tree have the same roots(no punintended)


howveer, i belive in god, so this is totally not relevant to me


or rather id say this: god created man and created tree.

tree and man had the same creator, not the same "spawner"


spawn sounds too starcrafty

stupid zergs........




It would help if the question made sense.


At the moment, it either suggests that everything that isn't a tree is an animal, or that anything that is not an animal is a tree.


It's probably perfectly possible to trace back to where trees began appearing, but I'm not sure that's what KH was really after.



As for god being in opposition to life occuring on its own then evolving - since there is no good evidence for how life began (and probably never will be), there's no reason to believe that some 'god' entity did not kick it all off on this planet.


Personally I don't see religious beliefs about god as being a problem for evolutionary theories, seeing as evolution is something any smart creator would ensure featured in his creations if he wanted life to last more than a few years.


However even basic principles such as Occam's Razor suggest that coming up with flights of fancy such as "Genesis" just because there's no reason to assume the world was not created by god are nothing short of folly.


Maybe it was, but we really don't need to make up the story to go with it and then modify our group behaviour accordingly.


When a group of molecular biologists in a lab in Switzerland discovers a mechanism for spontaneous amine synthesis that may have been involved in the aggregation of the first pre-cellular structures, or when a deep ocean survey team find a sulphur vent on the bed of the pacific, feeding a unique ecosystem heat from deep within the earth, you don't see them dancing with glee and denouncing any religion that attempts to explain the origins of life in a contextual way.

  • 1 year later...

Hey, i kow i'm new, and really late in the dbate, but i'd like to say that I find it most likely that all genetically based earth-life (that means prions and viral agents are not included) originated from a cmmon ancestor at some point, whether plant, animal, fungal, or bacterial, or protozoan


Actually, I think I’ve fund the deciding factor. If you look at all earth based life o the cellular level, you’ll see that essentially, plant’s and animals are identical. In billions of year of evolution, we’ve differentiated ourselves very little. Basically, plants have vacuoles, cell walls, and chloroplasts, that’s the real difference. Everything else they have we have. They’re even very similar genetically. That is something you’d expect o see in close cousins, evolutionarily. If our first ancestors were not the same as plant’s, the two groups would be as different as we are to whatever’s lurking out there on a distant, or not so distant world. It goes without saying that this is unequivocal proof that the origin of life is the are for both plant and animal life. Duh.

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