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Question about slugs (no joke, and yes i know it sounds boring)

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Tonight I was outside and I saw a large slug and 3 little ones 'eating' a worm. Thats what it looked like to me anyways, they were all over it with their heads. I went outside a little later and part of the slug was removed where the big ones head had been, so they must have been eating it. To me this seemed very unnatural and I was freaked out. Do slugs eat worms?

I went outside a little later and part of the slug was removed where the big ones head had been, so they must have been eating it.


You mean where part of the worm was removed?


Beats me.


I think they are generally detrivores or herbivores, but this site says some are carnivores: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/invertebrates/mollusk/gastropod/Slugprintout.shtml


Another site i was on said they sometimes eat other slugs.


Are you SURE they were slugs? And are you sure it was a worm, and not another slug? Was the worm dead?


I just went out again. The worm is dead, it must of come out in the rain earlier and I think it died on the pavement on the driveway. They're definitely slugs, they're light brown and have a black spotted type pattern. And yes, i meant that part of the worm was missing, like it had been disolved. The bigger slug now moved to another part of the worm and its working on that part.




Thanks for the website, I just checked it out. It must be a carnivorous slug then because they're definitely chowing down. I was just a little freaked out because I didnt know that info. Thanks.


Yes, some slugs eat carrion (dead things. They're not really equipped to be predators). It's common around here to see slugs (and ants) feeding on dead worms.


I've seen ants eat dead things but not slugs. I hope when I die slugs wont crawl in my head and eat my brains :(


Your question intrigued me. I've never seen slugs eat worms, or any other dead animal for that matter. So I did a little reserach. Here's what I came up with: There is a type of slug, the Black Slug (Arion ater) which apparently eats plant seedlings in the spring, but also eats rotting vegetation, fungi, manure, and dead animals. Once these food sources depleat it goes on to eat plants in the garden. As a result it isn't as destructive as the other types of slugs to the plants. Good for the garden, bad for the bugs I guess. Judging from this bit of info, it is quite likely that when you die these things could be feeding off of you. They do tend to get to around 20cm in length. Personally, I would go for cremation. The thought of myself becoming food is kind of revolting, but then again, I guess that's just how the food chain goes!

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