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so I recenIly made a discovery with a flashlight that you can do in your own home, that let's you see with your own eyes a perfect grid pattern energy and a neutral rotational energy that moves counter clockwise and is constant, I have looked over the internet and haven't found a hint of these energies. And I k ow you say speculation but this is something you see with your own eyes with focus and conecentraition, there are others like a triangular pattern but I haven't seemed to mapped it quite yet, all with different colors and speeds, but the same rotational energy you see with your eyes appears in static on the tv if you put a fine a dead channel, reply if you want to know more on this topic, curious of any else had similar experiences, btw this is something that once you see you wont forget and is constant, doesn't appear to change. Event thought I cant give you direct proof, its right there..


4 hours ago, Crazypete said:

I have looked over the internet and haven't found a hint of these energies.

I do not know your definition of "energies" and your description is kind of vague. Try searching for Pareidolia.


4 hours ago, Crazypete said:

I recenIly made a discovery with a flashlight that you can do in your own home, that let's you see with your own eyes a perfect grid pattern energy and a neutral rotational energy that moves counter clockwise and is constant

Does the patten occurs when the flashlight and the background is not moving? How does your "energy" compare to Illusory motion* ?

4 hours ago, Crazypete said:

the same rotational energy you see with your eyes appears in static on the tv if you put a fine a dead channel,

If the static on the television is random noise (and not actually showing rotational patterns), maybe you could check how this "rotational energy" compare to illusory apparent motion? There are papers describing this aspect of human vision, here is one I found by searching for "illusory coherent motion in random noise": https://jov.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2613323. For a less formal discussion of the effect, with examples, see https://www.psychologytoday.com/nz/blog/illusions-delusions-and-reality/201902/mind-controlled-motion-perception


*) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_motion



8 hours ago, Crazypete said:

recenIly made a discovery with a flashlight that you can do in your own home, that let's you see with your own eyes a perfect grid pattern energy and a neutral rotational energy that moves counter clockwise and is constant,

Is there some specific procedure that you do with the flashlight?  Or do you just switch it on and the grid appears?

Posted (edited)

I used a  800 lumen flashlight and you turn it to strobe, in a dark room that is white, focus the strobe and if you look at the strobe for a few seconds the grid pattern will appear, and when you turn it off you will notice in the darkness you will be able to see what looks like static, and if you focus on a specific shape or color you will see the patterns, and one of the ones i noticed there's a constant rotating pattern, and a few days later I saw static on the tv and I recognized to same rotating pattern and just as constant, and I dont believe I could change its direction or speed with words or thoughts.

Edited by Crazypete

This is simply an effect of stimulating the retina and the visual processing areas of the brain. (Not "energies".)

You might find this interesting:


a young perceptual psychologist named Heinrich Klüver used himself as a guinea pig in an ongoing study into visual hallucinations. One day in his laboratory at the University of Minnesota, he ingested a peyote button, the dried top of the cactus Lophophora williamsii, and carefully documented how his visual field changed under its influence. He noted recurring patterns that bore a striking resemblance to shapes commonly found in ancient cave drawings and in the paintings of Joan Miró, and he speculated that perhaps they were innate to human vision. He classified the patterns into four distinct types that he dubbed “form constants”: lattices (including checkerboards, honeycombs and triangles), tunnels, spirals and cobwebs.


The article is about drugs stimulating the visual system, but you can get the same effect in other ways: bright lights, extreme tiredness, etc. Isaac Newton stuck needles in his eyes and reported similar things.

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