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Can somebody tell me what type is this differential equation:


y''-f(x)y'-sin(y + h(x))=0


I am interested more at numerical solution.


it wont have a numerical solution with 2 general functions of x in it as far as I can see... as for working it out, it's late and I'm tired and havn't done any seriouse maths for a couple months


I need only algoritam how too break this equation so I can solve it with runge-kutte metod. I forget to say that y=y(x).

The sin(y + h(x)) is problem. It is not a polinom but... maybe I can transform it in sum so sin become a polinome.



A possible solution maybe do y1(x)=y(x) , y2(x)=y'(x) and the problem is now


Y'=T(Y), T: R^2-> R^2 (obviously nonlinear)


then use the euler method




Other way... but I don't believe that it work in thisproblem is use

Raleigh-Ritz but I have use that method in problems




that isn't the case...


Other way is read about Galerkin method but that is more related to PDE.

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