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I have written code, I am presenting a portion of it. I want to modify my original code for inputting, so I have created this portion for testing. My code is:

import numpy as np

class Board:
    #Matrix = np.empty((8, 8))
    #create a 8 * 8 matrix, each entry  is -1, indicating no activity on the board
    Matrix = np.array(
        [[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
         [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]])
    def __init__(self, n):
        # runs from 0 to n-1. So there is no need for subtracting -1 from the range argument.
        # str(INT) converts integer to string
    def findComputerMove(self, row, column, pieceStr):
        print("Inside find Computer Move")
    def computerModule(self, pieceStr):
       n = 8
       row = -1
       column = -1
       pName = ""
       row, column, pName = self.findComputerMove(row, column, pieceStr)
       return True

    def main(self):
           n = 8
           row = -1
           column = -1
           pName = ""
           moveCount = 0
           # self.display(n)
           # self.displayBDMatrix(n)
           userMove = True
           compMove = True
           draw = False
           while (userMove and compMove and not draw):
               if (moveCount % 2 == 0):
                   pieceStr = "Y"
                   compMove = self.computerModule(pieceStr)
                   print("compMove=", compMove)
                   pieceStr = "X"
                   userMove, draw = self.userModeule(pieceStr, draw)
               moveCount = moveCount + 1
           if (draw):
               print("Game drawn, nobody wins")
           if (userMove == True):
               print("User wins the game")
               print("Computer wins the game")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    objBoard = Board(8)


I am getting following error message:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/PycharmProjects/AIHW/nonTypeObjErr.py", line 67, in <module>
  File "/home/PycharmProjects/AIHW/nonTypeObjErr.py", line 39, in main
    compMove = self.computerModule(pieceStr)
  File "/home/PycharmProjects/AIHW/nonTypeObjErr.py", line 21, in computerModule
    row, column, pName = self.findComputerMove(row, column, pieceStr)
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
Inside find Computer Move

Somebody please guide me.




Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, zak100 said:

Somebody please guide me.


First step: explain, in detail, what steps you have taken so far in fining out what went wrong. From there we will move on to next step.

(There are obvious issues but you are asking for guidance, so I try to guide rather than just pointing out the error)

Edited by Ghideon
import numpy as np

class Board:

	# ...

    def findComputerMove(self, row, column, pieceStr):
        print("Inside find Computer Move")
    def computerModule(self, pieceStr):
       n = 8
       row = -1
       column = -1
       pName = ""
       row, column, pName = self.findComputerMove(row, column, pieceStr)   # This is the problem
       return True

    def main(self):
		# ...

if __name__ == "__main__":
    objBoard = Board(8)


In computerModule you're calling findComputerMove. What does findComputerMove return?


(Your code has more problems after you answer that and solve the problem.)

Posted (edited)

In your OP, findComputerMove is defined as:

    def findComputerMove(self, row, column, pieceStr):
        print("Inside find Computer Move")

I don't see 3 values being returned. I don't see anything being returned. When you write a line of code like the following:

a, b, c = self.findComputerMove(foo, bar, something)

the assumption is that findComputerMove returns a tuple of length 3. Is that clear?

Edited by FragmentedCurve
Accidentally deleted a sentence before submitting



Good response. I would check



Thanks a lot,

I solved the problem.


God blesses you.



Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, zak100 said:

Thanks a lot,

I solved the problem.

Good to hear that. Maybe you could share the solution in case other members are interested?

Edited by Ghideon
Posted (edited)




Above function is not returning values, Thanks a lot. To any one of my classmates: This is my assignment, if anybody copies my logic, he is the copier, I am not because I am using my name and logic is mine.


Edited by zak100
9 minutes ago, zak100 said:

To any one of my classmates: This is my assignment,

Ok. Then you should post in homework help. 


Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, zak100 said:




Above function is not returning values, Thanks a lot. To any one of my classmates: This is my assignment, if anybody copies my logic, he is the copier, I am not because I am using my name and logic is mine.



Let's be a little more rigorous. It's not entirely accurate to say findComputerMove is not returning values. The problem is it's not returning a tuple and is instead returning the None type. Python is strongly typed. Let's go back and rewrite a previous code snippet:

# Original code
# a, b, c = self.findComputerMove(foo, bar, something)

result = self.findComputerMove(foo, bar, something)
a, b, c = result

The first assignment is just a normal variable value assignment. At this moment, Python doesn't assert that the type returned by findComputerMove be a specific type. It will accept an integer, float, string, and even a tuple. Whatever type that findComputerMove returns, defines the result's type.

However, the second assignment isn't the same as the first. It's a tuple assignment. The = symbol is a tuple assignment and it expects the right side to be a type that is iterable. And it must be the same length as the left. It's short for the following:

result = self.findComputerMove(foo, bar, something)
a = result[0]
b = result[1]
c = result[2]


Here's some code about types for you to look over and think about:

>>> def do_nothing():
...     pass
>>> foo = do_nothing()
>>> bar = None
>>> type(foo)
<class 'NoneType'>
>>> type(bar)
<class 'NoneType'>
>>> foo is bar
>>> foo is None
>>> foo == bar
>>> foo == None
>>> def do_none():
...     return None
>>> do_none() is do_nothing()
>>> do_none() == do_nothing()


Edited by FragmentedCurve


I am getting the same error at other place. This time I am using the "return" statement also.


The error occurs at this statement.

result = []
result = self.checkTheBelow_Squeeze(curr_row, col)
resOfChkBelowSqueeze, cntOfBelowSqueezed = result

The complete function code is given below:


    def checkTheBelow_Squeeze(self, curr_row, col):
       print("CheckTheBelow Squeeze 1:Entered the function")
       if (curr_row >= 2):
          found = False
          opp_piece_found = False
          for row in range(curr_row-1,-1, -1): #loop will run downwards to 0 not -1
             if (Board.Matrix[row][col] == -1):  # next above location is empty so no squeeze possible
                print("CheckTheBelow Squeeze 2:Not possible b/c space found")
                found = False
                cntOfBelowSqueezed = 0
             elif (Board.Matrix[row][col] >= 0 and Board.Matrix[row][col] <= 7):  # opp_piece_found
                if (row == 0):  # we have reached the bottom row but comp piece not found only sequeces of opp piece, so no squeeze
                   print("CheckTheBelow Squeeze 3:Not possible b/c row zero reached")
                   found = False
                   cntOfBelowSqueezed = 0
                   if (opp_piece_found == False):  # current element is opp_piece and we have not reached the end row, so squeeze maybe found
                      opp_piece_found = True
                      cntOfBelowSqueezed = 1
                      if (cntOfBelowSqueezed < 7):  #Another opponet piece found
                         cntOfBelowSqueezed = cntOfBelowSqueezed + 1
                         print("CheckTheBelow Squeeze 4:Another opp piece found, count =" + str(cntOfBelowSqueezed))
                         print("This is trouble: cnt is more than 7")
             elif (Board.Matrix[curr_row][col] >= 8 and Board.Matrix[curr_row][col] <= 15):
                if (opp_piece_found == True):
                   found = True
                   print("CheckTheBelow Squeeze 5:Computer piece found, squeeze successful, count =" + str(cntOfBelowSqueezed))
                   print("CheckTheBelow Squeeze 6:Not possible b/c computer piece found before opp piece")
                   found = False
                   cntOfBelowSqueezed = 0
          if (cntOfBelowSqueezed==0):
              return False, cntOfBelowSqueezed
              return True, cntOfBelowSqueezed

Somebody please guide me.




I found the error, problem was again the return statement. I was using "if condition" and return statement was inside "if" but "if condition' got false so return did not execute 

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