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I'm not sure which forum section this belongs to, but here goes:

I'm not expert, but still I have a theory called wall - not sure if this will help or not:

Upon destruction or death (e.g. by infection, injury, etc) in certain cells responsible for interfacing between nerve system and cells responsible for receiving sensory information and actualize actions, human body makes a wall up thus promotion of growth or regeneration is disabled then ultimately a re-connection by nerve system is disabled.

Why wall up? Maybe because of useless cells and / or to protect nerve system at first place or something like that.

It is for deafness, paralyzed, and / or blind or any potential disability in humans.



I already am aware that I am no medical expert and generally should not participate in an applied medical health or other sections since I am not knowledgeable. But if my contribution might help a bit (e.g. 0.1%) chance despite my lack of knowledge on medical health matters, then maybe it might be worthy to see. I have to expand this with more clarifications and attempt to re-orient this toward scientific way.


To see if the Wall Theory might be a part of answer to deafness, paralyzed, blindness, or any of disability in humans - to see if regeneration is possible; restore disabilities back to working in an natural way.

Abstract Obstacles

What I talked about the Wall Theory is a bit abstract-based. I think of some objects as abstract obstacles affixed with meanings, but no termed or formal words (e.g. medical health termed words assigned to organs, cells, etc).

Analogy in Context of Wall Theory

A list of some objects to be used in an analogy:

- A water pipe with a hatch. (surrounding nerve system)
- Water. (nerve system)
- Grassy ground. (general cells, responsible for receiving sensory information and actualize actions)

An analogy:

Water flowing (nerve system) in a pipe, fully so. A hatch (middle interface between) on the pipe is open, with water spewing out. The water spewing out into grassy ground, feeding or fuelling grass (cells). It is all working fine until something went wrong with the grass as caused by an outside influence. The hatch "automatically" closes to protect the water flowing - creating a wall obstacle.

If outside condition is safe again, the hatch might re-open and re-connect with the grassy ground.


In case of deafness, paralyzed, blindness, or some more disabilities I didn't think of in humans; the hatch closure (an obstacle wall) seems to be permanent.

Other Thoughts

That is all for now.

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