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(The long overdue explanation on)How does consciousness arise from within the thalamus?

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I know I will get bombarded by tons of people, get yelled at, and get defamed, but please note that I post this based on my speculation with good faith.

To begin with about consciousness, you will have to take note of a few things, the body is consisted of neurons and electrical signals, sure there are other things like muscle, but muscle cannot think for you. It goes down to neurons and electrical signals, you will ask yourself, does your consciousness exist in the neurons, or does it exist in the electrical signals? The answer is, since the electrical signal/current flows through our body, but the consciousness is only in the brain, not anywhere else. The electrical signal/current travels through the neurons in our butt and in our knees, but it is on the in the brain, so I rule out that the consciousness as a possibility of current.

Now I took a look at the brain, and if consciousness is in the brain, which region is it? This is when I came across the striatum and the consciousness loop.


So I took a look at striatum and thing maybe the consciousness arise from there, but the dopaminergic signal traveling from to it is only 8Hz, vs the 68Hz coming from the GABAergic signal from the substantia nigra to the thalamus. Clearly in human perception it must be close to 68 frames per second. So I ask, could the consciousness be arise from the thalamus? Could we be a magnetic field? To be honest I do not know if we can exist as a magnetic field entity.

This is when I receive some hints that it might have to do with eletrical resonance, or any type of resonance for that matter, but since the brain is synonymous to a circuit, it has to be electrical resonance, or any type of phenomenon similar to that. This is where I compare it to an RLC circuit.


This image, does it reminds you of anything? Yes it is the consciousness loop with thalamus being an inductor and the dopaminergic signal going into the striatum as a capacitor. And if you have an RLC circuit in the brain you would have a antiresonance/resonance in the voltage.


This comes from the antiresonance of the RLC circuit, but to get a resonance in the voltage you will need a parallel RLC circuit. And what voltage could it generate? This is only 1rad, as I have mentioned we have 68Hz coming from the GABAergic signal of the substantia nigra. You plug in 68Hz and the voltage gain would spike at the resonance point.

With this much said I conclude that consciousness is an electrical resonance phenomenon of the voltage from the parallel RLC circuit. I am not sure if the resonance voltage is dissipated as power.

I am also not sure if the consciousness is a magnetic field dissipated from an indcutor, but I think we need to look at it as a whole RLC circuit.


P.S. It might be an RLC circuit(not a parallel RLC circuit) that gives rise to the voltage resonance. I am not sure which gives resonance and which gives antiresonance. The one giving the resonance is assumed to be the consciousness voltage, not the one giving the antiresonance, just be careful on that part.


Moderator Note

Speculations ≠ WAG

Speculations must be backed up by evidence or some sort of proof. You need a model or make testable predictions.

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