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Hi, Not an electrical engineer. Im looking for a replacement for a Mean Well SP-320-24 and I cant find something with the exact same specs.  Is it better to overshoot the output amperage

meanwell original https://www.amazon.com/MEAN-WELL-SP-320-24-Supply-Single/dp/B005T8X19K

potential replacement https://www.amazon.com/Supply%EF%BC%88SMPS%EF%BC%89Constant-Transformer-220VAC-DC24V-Monitoring-Industrial/dp/B0782RGQJ9/ref=sr_1_10?dchild=1&keywords=120vac+to+24vdc+power+supply&qid=1627664937&sr=8-10

another potential replacement https://www.amazon.com/Aclorol-Switching-Universal-Regulated-Security/dp/B082TTQZ4H/ref=pd_sbs_19/137-4265577-6618049?pd_rd_w=eZuLI&pf_rd_p=f8e24c42-8be0-4374-84aa-bb08fd897453&pf_rd_r=9KA02AD397VXDYHFFTXD&pd_rd_r=8815cd0a-a12c-4993-b79d-245d422a4a76&pd_rd_wg=c3E5U&pd_rd_i=B082TTQZ4H&psc=1

Also am I missing any important things other than input and output voltage and amperage?



As long as the output voltages are equivalent, and well regulated, higher output amperages are not a problem.

I say 'well regulated', because some switching power supplies ( mostly cheap computer supplies ) need a minimum output amperage on the main output, to regulate properly.

Your original, and the replacement are close enough that it shouldn't be a problem.

1 hour ago, Greg M said:

Hi, Not an electrical engineer. Im looking for a replacement for a Mean Well SP-320-24 and I cant find something with the exact same specs.  Is it better to overshoot the output amperage

Also am I missing any important things other than input and output voltage and amperage?

Yes you are indeed missing something.

The 320 series refers to 320 watts (power) at a fixed voltage and the -24 refers to the voltage so you want a unit that can deliver a fixed 24 volts DC from a vaiety of AC or DC sources at 320/24 = 13.3 amps max.

This is a voltage power  supply which means the amperage is the maximum that can be supplied.

But this amperage is set by the demand from the load and not by the power supply itself.

Please confirm these specs are what you need and not your application as ahs already been requested.

Note also that physical dimensions may be an issue as electrical connection layour and cooling and fan outlet arrangements need to be considered in relation to the siting in place.

I understand some suppliers are listing various of these as discontinued.

Here is a pdf (strip off the final .txt to get a pdf)



Please confirm that these

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