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Quantum Mechanics Made Simple - Wave-Particle Duality


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Hi all, I've started a new YouTube series on the ontology and physical basis of Quantum Mechanics with Episode 1 on Wave-Particle Duality and the Single Slit experiment, would love your feedback!

Channel promotion removed by moderator per Rule 2.7

Episode 2 will be out in a couple of weeks and cover the Double Slit experiment with observation (my favourite experiment of all time!) Hope it's of interest.

Edited by Phi for All
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Hello, Will.

I hope you read the rules of Quantum Mechanics better than you read the rules of this site.

Advertising your site or youtube channel is strictly forbidden.


I suggest you post a suitably complete summary before a moderator trips over this post and bans you.

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Moderator Note

I hope you can understand why we can't let anyone promote their YouTube videos on a site made for discussing science. The written word can be scanned quickly for basic veracity, but videos take time, and the usual signal-to-noise ratio is horrific.

If you can, please give us a summary of what you're proposing, unless feedback on your video was the only goal. If that's the case, best of luck elsewhere.

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