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what do you think those people on the board look like (who don't have pics that is)?? I'll start...... I think Dudde is a big cheerful blonde lad with nice teeth. I imagine Radical Edward to be dark haired and slim, perhaps with glasses and Sayonara must be curved and yellow. J/K Sayonara!

Originally posted by daisy

Sayonara must be curved and yellow. J/K Sayonara!




everyone post your pictures ;)


Such interesting looking people we have on board eh...hm....O_o


actually^_^ I have long black hair...I am a big cheerful dudde with nice teeth though...hmm....weird...


I'll post a pic as soon as I can get one on the internet;)

Originally posted by Sayonara³



I always thought europe was a little more civilized, guess I was deceived!


Just a note: - I'm not going to post a photo because what I'd intended was that people describe their mental images of others. Sayonara...if that's you, I'll eat my hat.


oo yeah...I'll post mentally later I've got a class to terrorize people^_^...of course it's gotta be at an art school so I can't do too much myself *grumble grumble*

but oh well^_^

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