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Did Japan create COVID-19 (biochemical weapon) to destroy America (vengeance for Hiroshima and Nagasaki)?


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One thing we know, more Americans died of COVID-19 than people of any other country. It's almost as though the COVID-19 virus was fitted with a American-genome-adhesive feature that particularly fancied Americans. No really, look at the trajectory COVID took after "It's origination in the Chinese area". It could have spread out like a breeze, or it could have spread towards the Asian areas, but it took a definite course towards the USA....think that ain't weird? 

Now, who would want Americans dead? Many people, and not just people from middle eastern countries. 

If you look down history, who have Americans messed with? The list is long. Vietnam, Iraq, and Japan, in World war 2. 

Now the original deceased of Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki may be too dead to hate, but their kith and kin, their descendants, probably do take umbrage that grandpa Liang and Grandma Chang were taken out for no reason by a great big atom bomb in WW2. 

The descendants of the dead in Japan probably work respectable jobs today. Some of them are scientists, (and we know Japanese scientists are world class for brilliance. Technology is their middle name)

Did one of those Japanese scientists devise COVID-19 to take revenge on the United States for what they did to hiroshima and Nagaksaki? 

Just asking the logical question. 


Edited by Adelbert_Einstein
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Moderator Note

The answer is No.

Also, nothing in the post seems logical, and the reasons for high death rates in the US are well documented and include:

- dismantling of pandemic response forces and plans

- downplaying the disease by politicians and especially the former administration

- crippling CDC and other health professionals and undermining their message by the administration

- as a result, anti-pandemic responses were fractured and often counterproductive (catastrophic PPE distribution, is but one of the many examples)

- sowing vaccine hesitancy

- lack of solidarity and trust in science

We do not need a bioweapon, if we have facebook.

Since this appears to be an attempt to promote conspiracy rather than a discussion, the thread is locked pending review.


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