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Math, or better, numbers are embedded in the fabric of reality. Better yet, numbers are what makes the fabric of reality, as will be shown. By that it is meant that numbers are in effect representations of forces and their relationships. Moreover, numbers are also the best "language" system to also store and transmit information, which is an essential quality especially for complex systems such as living systems.

It is becoming increasingly evident that information is the basis of the universe but especially of living systems.

Physicist Paul Davies states: "Historically, matter has been at the bottom of the explanatory chain, and information has been a sort of secondary derivative of it." Davies also stated, "There's increasing interest among at least a small group of physicists to turn this upside down and say, maybe at rock bottom, the universe is about information and information processing, and it's matter that emerges as a secondary concept."

Seth Lloyd, an MIT professor specializing in quantum information, responding to the question, "So, what is the universe?" responded. "The universe is a physical system that contains and processes information in a systematic fashion and that can do everything a computer can do."

Raphael Bousso, a theoretical physicist and string theorist of UC Berkley, believes that information is not just a tool of measure, but it is a primary constituent of what is happening in the world. He stated that “Information is not so much "modeling the system" — it is the system.” Bousso also stated, “Reality won't work unless information is, in some sense, real.”

The founder of Mathematica and Wolfram Alpha, physicist Stephen Wolfram, whose research focuses on the role of information in physical and mechanical systems, with an emphasis on quantum mechanical systems stated, "information is the most prominent thing in our times." He postulates that "simple rules… generate what we see in nature." Wolfram described "an ultimate representation of the universe" in terms of "simple rules," which "govern fundamentally" and are "best conceptualized in terms of computation."

When the matter is deeply studied it becomes obvious that living systems are mainly information-based systems, hierarchically structured in a complex integration of systems within systems. However, information requires a mathematical structure as infrastructure for its operation.

The idea that numbers are invented and not discovered is totally false and it is clearly evidenced by the Menorah Matrix (MM) study. It is part of the false worldview pushed by modern science onto the world. The ancient world was aware that 'number' was the base of reality and indeed it has also handed down to us the major patterns, such as 24, 7, 360, 12, 108, and other patterns in texts, monuments, and symbols.

Because of their false worldview, scientists have not looked into numbers as deep as they should to find the answers to the many "mysteries" of present science. The Fibonacci sequence and its emerging propriety, the golden ratio, are known to control many natural structures and phenomena in the universe, but instead of looking deeper into the matter, scientists have totally dismissed the correlations as if they didn’t exist.

In reality, it will be clearly shown in the MM paper published on ResearchGate.net that everything around us is based on “number” and specifically on the base-10 number system, and specifically on its inner-dimension and the Fibonacci sequence.

But let us start from the beginning.

It is in the inner-dimension of the base-10 that the repeating patterns at the foundation of the universe’s structures and phenomena are hidden.

What is the inner-dimension?

The inner-dimension is what mathematicians refer to as the “digital root” of a number. I have changed the name to inner-dimension because the base-10 is a "dimension" on its own and producing numerous repeating patterns, which are connected, and with direct links to geometry as well (not shown in the MM paper).

The inner-dimension has also a different way to subtract numbers than its "outer-dimension." Some of these properties are analyzed in the MM paper, however, the relations to the prime numbers and other sequences will not be discussed.

Following are a couple of examples of the inner-dimension (digital root): 12 = 3 in the inner-dimension because 1 + 2 = 3; 864 = 8 + 6 + 4 = 18 and 1 + 8 = 9, so the inner-dimension of the number 864 is 9.

The Fibonacci sequence (third digit is the sum of the previous two digits) goes like this 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34… etc. In the inner-dimension it produces a repeating pattern of 24 digits to infinity (shown in the MM paper and starting with 1,1,2,3,5,8,4,3,7,1…).

The 24-repeating digits when when paired with a second 24-repeating pattern, staggered halfway like bricks, produces pairs summing nine of all adjacent digits (and every 9 is paired with a 9).

With a second 6-repeating pattern produced by the exponents of the digits, we get to the final structure 1 + 6 dual-sequences, or 336 digits all together, which has been named Menorah Matrix (MM).

The MM predicts/correlates the atomic nucleus (protons and neutrons), the subatomic quarks (predicting also three subquarks to each quark, which have been hypothesized by few physicists), predicting/correlates all their corresponding anti-particles as well. It predicts the quantized/discreet shells (K, L, M, N, O, P) and subshells (s, p, d, f) model of the atom, including the maximum number of electrons that each can hold.

Basically, it provides the answers as to why the atomic structure is the way it is.

The same mathematical infrastructure is the basis for the 64-matrix of 64 codons (each a triplet of nucleotides) predicting specifically 20 amino acids, excluding any other number of them (mystery for present science). It predicts a DNA shaped as a double helix with a two base-pair system (AT & CG) and why it could not have been different (i.e., 3 base pair system), and much more. Moreover, new findings demonstrate that the genetic code has information superposition capabilities. This propriety is predicted by the inner-dimension’s numerical properties as well.

The MM's linear and spiral pathways produce a toroidal/dual-toroidal dynamic flow structure, predicting a fundamental behavior/structure observed in countless of physical phenomena. Being a self-similar universe based on the MM it predicts a finite toroidal/dual-toroidal pulsating universe, which implies an apparent expanding/contracting-like motion from every point in it (long-range expanding/contracting periodicity), which reflects indeed the observed phenomena.

Through the same MM’s linear (electric) and spiral/vortex (magnetic) bidirectional pathways (the opposite pathways are in Fibonacci by subtraction), it predicts the electromagnetic force, the likely cause of the attractive and repulsive forces (vortex/spiral interactions), the interrelationship of electricity and magnetism, explaining why they are both separated and indivisible. The MM's bidirectional pathways also explain the origin of the right-hand and left-hand rules.

In other words, the MM provides evidence that the fundamental structures and phenomena of the universe, and the basis for the proto-single cell organism (LUCA), the "common ancestor," are not the result of any evolutionary process but the product of a mathematical structure.

To top that off, the MM study shows that MM’s patterns are the basis for the EarthMoon's blueprint as well. Particularly in this case, the complex numerical and geometrical integration of patterns clearly indicate the necessity of an intelligent agent. In fact, the EarthMoon's blueprint is designed with the fundamental patterns of the MM and other inner-dimension's major patterns. This includes the dimensions in miles and the ratio of the Earth and Moon (the study explains why miles and why they are not arbitrary), and integrating in it the golden ratio and pi, and also the squaring of the circle.

The MM predictions include the axis tilts of the Earth (23.4°), which is numerically and contextually predicted by the MM’s axis value, and if that wasn't enough, the axis is also predicted by the values of the Pythagorean triangles/triplets, which are also integrated in the EarthMoon's blueprint.

In addition to that, by integrating the MM fundamental patterns (12 and 7) to the square pyramid, it also the predicts, with its total surface area, the Tropical and Sidereal cycles (365.242 and 365.256, respectively) to the third decimal digit, while its volume being the sum (336) of the MM's digits!

The MM is truly the basis for the theory of everything.

And yes, numbers are discovered not invented by our minds.


The Menorah Matrix (condensed paper- 47 pages) can be found on ResearchGate.net:


13 hours ago, Michael C Grasso said:

The MM predictions include the axis tilts of the Earth (23.4°), which is numerically and contextually predicted by the MM’s axis value, and if that wasn't enough, the axis is also predicted by the values of the Pythagorean triangles/triplets, which are also integrated in the EarthMoon's blueprint.

In addition to that, by integrating the MM fundamental patterns (12 and 7) to the square pyramid, it also the predicts, with its total surface area, the Tropical and Sidereal cycles (365.242 and 365.256, respectively) to the third decimal digit, while its volume being the sum (336) of the MM's digits!

That’s interesting, given that axial tilt and the length of the day are not constant, and had different values in the past. Which means this “pattern” is accidental and just makes this numerology

Also, you didn’t “predict” anything.

On 5/21/2022 at 9:17 PM, Michael C Grasso said:

It is becoming increasingly evident that information is the basis of the universe but especially of living systems.

Information is data. Data does not do anything. Algorithms working with the provided data do something, i.e., change the data according to the algorithm.

A dead or frozen body is a handful of data.

Non-organics body too. e.g. piece of rock molten billions years ago, is giving paleontologists, geologists etc. plentiful useful information


  • 4 weeks later...

First, constants are more important a topic than trying to save the universe on Base10. Before explaining further, let's look at a relative unknown important constant:










{3, 0, 8, 7{7, 0, 8, 3}3, 0, 8, 7}

And this last set of numbers^ is a abstract reality of any number system thought of to a loop and more than 3 digits. The Menorah Number System is not based on Base10, is of 4ths both left and right to one multiloop. That is if you traveled to a different universe and searched for a true constant alike from here... yet numbers different... say for spin of some particle... you could more quickly match is same constant, from a higher palindrome multiloop number system.

And the some things you have mentioned are of change(facts), which are not constants. There needs to be distinction between constants and numbers here, because the Intelligent Agent did not use Base10.

  • 6 months later...

The linked presentation is an expanded version of the Menorah Matrix study (although still a condensed version of the entire study), published on ResearchGate. Extra attention has been given here to the electromagnetic force, the attractive and repulsive forces in a magnet (vortex/spiral-based) and more. The presentation demonstrates the Menorah Matrix to be the mathematical archetype at the basis of all structures and phenomena in the universe, basically the basis for the theory of everything. This presentation explains the basics of the base-10's inner-dimension and how, together with the Fibonacci sequence, produces the Menorah Matrix (MM). The MM produces bidirectional and toroidal/dual-toroidal dynamic pathways, which, are the archetype for the electric current and magnetic force (explaining the archetypal origin, their indivisible but separate nature and more). The MM's building-block pairs are shown to be the archetype or information basis for the atomic and subatomic structures (including antiparticles), whereas the power pairs are the basis for the atomic energy levels and sublevels (The MM also predicts three subquarks for each quark, which have already been hypothesized by some physicists). The base-10's inner-dimension is also the information basis for the genetic code's 64-matrix and for precisely twenty amino acids at the exclusion of any other number of them. The same MM's bidirectional pathways are the archetypal basis for the DNA's double helix and the two base pair system. The MM's toroidal/dual-toroidal dynamic pathways could also provide a simpler solution to the speed of stars at the edges of galaxies without the need to invoke a Dark Matter. The same toroidal dynamics and Bernoulli principle could provide a simpler solution to gravity. The last chapter provides clear evidence that the Earth♦Moon system is itself based on the MM's archetypal patterns providing their dimensions, ratio, and even predicting the tropical (365.242) and sidereal cycles (365.256) to the third decimal digit and much more.



swansont  You are totally wrong. First, it's just present science BELIEF that axial tilt and the length of the day are not constant, and had different values in the past. The Menorah Matrix PROVES that it is not coincidental and it was always the way it is because a TON of other mathematical patterns confirms it. 



Please, read the Menorah Matrix before state that  "The Menorah Number System is not based on Base10". 
You are wrong. Period. 

21 minutes ago, Michael C Grasso said:

swansont  You are totally wrong. First, it's just present science BELIEF that axial tilt and the length of the day are not constant, and had different values in the past. The Menorah Matrix PROVES that it is not coincidental and it was always the way it is because a TON of other mathematical patterns confirms it.

It’s not math, it’s experimental data. 

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