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The sheer number of links to Pulsoid Theory that Poo has posted make me think he's trying to improve his Google ranking--many of the links are unnecessary.

not to mention the fact that he keeps on about how popular he is on google and how many views this thread has.

proof of one, derive the basics of pulsoid theory right heere, or photocopy one of the many odcuments you claim to possess into here.
Please advise as where to send photocopies.


The basics of Pulsoid Theory, for those too lazy to read or study very much, are, probably, most succinctly found in "The Mystique of the Ellipse" for those that are not interested enough to read a few successive Threads; or, for those who are unable to, or incapable of, understand logic.


Of interest might be the Overview and Summary for those accustomed to reading technical journals.


One of the problems with your website is you present a few dozen threads without any order as to which one comes first in understanding pulsoid theory.
If you could count you would find 80, or so, Threads. I only started a bit over a month ago and am averaging about eight, or more, posts a day (many are starts of Threads) in all forums. You can find an Index/Table of Contents at: http://www.CQthus.com/PT/TOC. This site is kept current on an hourly basis.


There would be many more substantive posts, if I were not bothered with baseless, nonsensical, infantile, bantering tripe. (BN,I,BT)


Ok, this is just ridiculous, and has degenerated to the point that no further productive discussion will occur.



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