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Dear genius,

I need chemical name of the video.

Video link


url deleted

DRP Chemical anti iron 

Thanks in advance 


The link doesn't go anywhere useful.

I haven't seen the film but I;m guessing there' some chemical in it which destroys iron.
That's impossible.

The film is only a story; not real life.


By the way the link guides to a side, where you have to register and download for big files. This is commercial and should be not permited. The rest of discussion is also trolling. An admin should close it soon.

5 hours ago, Rafiq said:

I need chemical name of the video.


Moderator Note

Our rules state that discussion can't require anybody to watch videos. Apparently the name of the compound is there for YOU to watch, so please watch again and if you have questions about it, open another thread WITHOUT the video. This thread is closed.

This topic is now closed to further replies.
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