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What To Do If You Contract Antibiotic Resistant Mrsa


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With MRSA infections increasing rapidly in and out of hospitals the below information will save your life and limb if followed carefully after other options like pharamaceutical drugs have failed you.


You should always consult a registered health practitioner and use the below information as a last resort although using it earlier may help you to avoid complications as the treatment is not harmful if followed as below.


It is non-patentable , non-drug based and therefore not profitable for established pharmaceutical companies.


Your doctor will dismiss it automatically but you should do your own research using a search engine like google.



If you are infected with antibiotic resistant MRSA and wish to save your limb and life then the following set of instructions will save your life.I suggest you save this information and pass it around.


If a limb has become infected with MRSA and your doctor suggests amputation and if you dont want it amputated then wash the effected limp in warm water and scrub gently away any dead surface skin cells.


While the limb is still wet put it in a thick plastic bag and seal it in with sellotape around the edges so thats its airtight.


Next get a the hose from an Ozone generator and make a small hole in the bag and seal it with sellotape to make it airtight.


Then switch on the ozone generator and leave it on for from 1 to 4 hours depending on severity of infection.


You can repeat the treatment over a few days for very acute cases.


The ozone gas will kill any MRSA on the skin and transdermal zxone will go through the skin and kill any MRSA inside the limb.


Its a good idea to open the windows while you are ozonating the limp as ozone is not good for the lungs.



If the infection is not in a limb which can be easily wrapped in a plastic bag then do the up to the neck ozone bagging again using sellotape to seal the bag at the neck so its airtight.Use a large thick binliner and stand in it while a friend/relation seals you up.Again open the windows.


But have a warm bath prior to ozone bagging and again to speed things up a gentle scrubbing to remove dead skin before bagging.


You will find this saves your limb and life.


Ozone generators can be purchased from google and can cost from £160 upwards and last a very long time.


The generator costing around £160 or $200 will be more then adequate as long as the ozone output is around 200 to 300 mg/hour.


Drinking ozonated cold water will increase the elimination of the MRSA infection and associated toxins even more quickly.


I suggest you all look up medical ozone in google or transdermal ozone or ozone bagging or variations thereof.


This will give you additional research materiels


I already have an ozone generator and routinely drink ozonated water to keep healthy.The water gives you a slightly heady feeling as if you had too much oxygen for a few seconds after you drink it.


The point of this information is to enable you to save your own life and limb after other options have failed you.


You should save this information as a text file and spread it around.

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It is non-patentable , non-drug based and therefore not profitable for established pharmaceutical companies.


Your doctor will dismiss it automatically but you should do your own research using a search engine like google.

Doctors wouldn't dismiss it automatically if it actually did something to help. I'm closing this.
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