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when I tried to open the link thingy, it didn't (???) but this I will say....it will most likely be crap singers, doing crap songs. I stand by my opinion. I am of the old school where singers and musicians learnt the hard way and played clubs etc... till they knew their trade.....guess i'm just a naive old woman.

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nah, I'm right there with ya Daisy, and I'm not old^_^..I hope I'm not old...okay I am old but not THAT old...I do have an affinity for older music though....


aww heck I have an affinity for all music^_^..almost...O_o and I hate that show anyway

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Blimey - that kid has got issues. Still not as bad as some of the UK ones, although infinitely more disturbing *shudder* You really have to wonder what's going through these kids heads - "Hmmm, what shall I do today? I know, get up infront of a TV audience of several million and ritually humiliate myself".


The presenter could also do with a quick "TV Presenting/Interviewing 101" course.

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It's karmic payback. He made my ex-girlfriend cry by sitting with her in a club for an hour explaining that I would never love her again. Subtle and diplomatic I thought.


Now I get to watch him being told he sucks, I hope they are in a bad mood when he walks in. :P

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Originally posted by atinymonkey

Now I get to watch him being told he sucks, I hope they are in a bad mood when he walks in. :P


If that Simon Wots-his-face is on the judge's panel you should get your wish - that guy is never in a good mood! Maybe suggest to your friend to get some nice high-waister trousers and tuck a polo neck shirt into them ;)

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